Hingoli District Taluka List: Hingoli is a district of Maharashtra state located at 19.72 N latitude and 77.15 E longitude in the northern part of Marathwada. The district has total 11,77,345 population with population density of 3,800/km2. The official language of Hingoli district is Marathi. Hingoli district is further divided into Tehsils / Blocks / Community Development Blocks for administrative purposes.
The Hingoli district has 6 Tehsils namely Hingoli, Kalamnuri, Sengaon, Aundha, Nagnath, Basmath. In India, the Block or C.D Block is often the next level of administrative division after the tehsil. It is important to note that in some sates of India C.D Blocks are equal to tehsils. For those who don't know the C.D Block is a rural area earmarked for administration and development in India. The area is administered by Block Development Officer (BDO). Hingoli district taluka list is given below.
Hingoli District Taluka List
Hingoli district taluka list with area and population details is given below in the table.
S.No. | Tehsil (CD Block) | Area KM Sq. | Population (2011) |
1 | Aundha | 830 | 1,81,148 |
2 | Basmath | 916 | 2,90,970 |
3 | Hingoli | 970 | 2,69,546 |
4 | Kalamnuri | 968 | 2,31,559 |
5 | Sengaon | 1,144 | 2,04,122 |
PDF Map of District
Sr.No | Name | PDF Map |
1 | Hingoli | Hingoli District |
2 | Hingoli | Hingoli Taluka |
3 | Kalamnuri | Kalamnuri Taluka |
4 | Sengaon | Sengaon Taluka |
5 | Aundha | aundha Taluka |
6 | Basmat | Basmat Taluka |
Households in Hingoli
Rural Households | Urban Households | Total Households |
1,96,255 | 32,613 | 2,28,868 |
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