Delhi Traffic Police challans are issued by the traffic police in Delhi for any traffic violations under the Motor Vehicles Act. It is important to adhere by all the the rules and regulations issued by India Government. If these rules are violated, you would have to pay the penalties, which are done through traffic challans that are issued by the traffic police. Delhi Traffic Police Challan Rates List 2024 is given.
Delhi Traffic Police Challan Rates List 2024
Delhi Traffic Police Challan Rates list is given below. Delhi Traffic Police Fine List 2024
Traffic Offense Description | Section of DMVR/CMVR/M.V. Act | Compounding Penalty Amount |
Red Light Jumping | 119/177 MVA | Rs. 00/- |
Driving Left Hand Drive without Indicator | 120/177 MVA | Rs. 500/- |
Improper & Obstructive Parking | 122/177 MVA | Rs. 500/- |
Traveling on Running Board (Drive) | 123(1)/177 MVA | Rs. 500/- |
Traveling on Running Board (Passenger) | 123(2)/177 MVA | Rs. 500/- |
Triple Riding on two-wheeler | 149C MVA | Rs. 1000/- |
Driving without Helmet | 194D MVA | Rs. 1000/- |
Helmet W/o strap or Strap Not tied | 194D MVA | Rs. 1000/- |
Defective Helmet (Not Confirming BIS) | 194D MVA | Rs. 1000/- |
Not Displaying Number Plate or Defective or Fancy Number plate | 50, 51 CMVR/39/192 MVA | Rs. 5000/- |
Rear View Mirror Turned Inwards | 125(2)CMVR 1989/177 MV Act | Rs. 500/- |
Misbehavior with Police Officer | 179 MVA | Rs. 2000/- |
Over Charging by TSR/Taxi | 11.8/177 DMVR | Rs. 500/- |
Refusal by TSR/Taxi Driver | 11.9/177 DMVR | Rs. 500/- |
Driving without Light (After sunset) | 105/177 CMVR | Rs. 500/- |
Driving without Horn | 119(1)/177 CMVR | Rs. 500/- |
Driving without Silencer | 120/190(2) CMVR | Rs. 5000/- |
Driving with a Defective Number Plate | 50/177 CMVR | Rs. 5000/- |
Violation of stop Line | 113(1)/177 DMVR | Rs. 00/- |
Disobeying Lawful Directions | 132/179 MVA | Rs. 2000/- |
Disobey of lawful direction in case of an accident or damaging property | 132/179 MVA | Rs. 2000/- |
Allowing unauthorized person to drive | 5/180 MVA | Rs. 5000/- |
Driving without License | 3/181 MVA | Rs. 5000/- |
Driving by Minors | 4/181 MVA | Rs. 500/- |
Over Speeding LMV | 112.1/183(1) MVA | Rs. 2000/- |
Over Speeding MMV/HTV | 112.1/183(1) MVA | Rs. 4000/- |
Driving Dangerously | 184 MVA | Rs. 00/- |
Using 'Unregistered Vehicles' or Displaying "Applied For" | 39/192 MVA | Rs. 2000/- |
Violation of Yellow Line | 119/177 MVA | Rs. 500/- |
Violation of Restriction of Time on HTV's/Care on various Road (No Entry ) | 115/194(1) M.V. Act 1988 | Rs. 20000/- |
Trucks carrying sand/dust without covering (No Entry) | 115/194(1) M.V. Act 1988 | Rs. 20000/- |
Violation of mandatory signs (One Way No Right Turn, No Left Turn, No Horn) | 119/177 MVA | Rs. 100/- |
Excess Smoke | 99(1)(a)/177 DMVR | Rs. 500/- |
W/O Wiper | CMVR 101/177 MVA | Rs. 500/- |
Tinted Glass | CMVR 100.2/177 MVA | Rs. 500/- |
Blowing of Pressure Horn | 96(1)/177 DMVR | Rs. 5000/- |
Using horn in No Honking/Silence Zone | 194F MVA | Rs. 1000/- |
Conductor without Uniform | 23(1)/177 DMVR | Rs. 500/- |
Driver without Uniform | 7/177 DMVR | Rs. 100/- |
Conductor without Badge | 22(1)/177 DMVR | Rs. 500/- |
Conductor without Licence | 129/182 MVA | Rs. 10,000/- |
Carrying Passengers on Goods Vehicles | 84(2)/177 DMVR | Rs. 00/- |
Carrying Goods on Passengers Vehicle | 84(3)/177 DMVR | Rs. 500/- |
Use of Coloured Light on Motors Vehicle | 97(2)/177 DMVR | Rs. 500/- |
Smoking in the Vehicles | 86.1(5)/177 DMVR | Rs. 500/- |
Wrong Passing or Overtaking other Vehicle | 6(1)RRR/177 MVA | Rs. 00/- |
Drunken Driving | 185 MVA | Rs. 00/- |
Advertisements on Vehicle | DMVR 71.2/177 MVA | Rs. 500/- |
RC Violation | 39/192 MVA | Rs 5,000/- |
W/O PUCC | 115 CMVR /190(2)M.V.A | Rs 10,000/- |
W/O Insurance | 146/196 MVA | Rs 2,000/- |
W/o RUPD | CMVR 124.1/190.2 MV Act. | Rs 10,000/- |
W/o LUPD | CMVR 124.1/190.2 MV Act | Rs 10,000/- |
No Using Seat Belt | 194B MVA | RS 1000/- |
W/o Reflector | 104/177 MVA ACT | Rs 500/- |
Top Light Violation | 108(1) CMVR/177 MVA | Rs 500/- |
Using high beam | 112(4)(c)/177 MVA | Rs 500/- |
Without Fitness | 56/192 MVA | Rs. 500/- |
CARRYING HIGH/LONG LOAD / Protruding rods | 194(1A) MVA | Rs. 20000/- |
Improper or Obstructive Parking | 122/177 MVA | Rs. 500/- |
Violation of Mandatory Signs(One Way,No Right Turn) | 119/177 MVA | Rs. 500/- |
Unauthorized Use Siren | DMVR 107/177 MVA | Rs. 500/- |
Playing Music | DMVR 102/177 MVA | Rs. 500/- |
Without Log Book | CMVR 85(10) 177 MVA | Rs. 500/- |
W/O Permit | 66.1/192(A) MVA | Rs 10,000/- |
Not giving way to an emergency vehicle | 194E MVA | Rs 10,000/- |
Driving in NMV lanes | 115/194(1) MVA | Rs. 20000/- |
Plying of old age Diesel/Petrol vehicles (more than 15/10 years) | 39/192/207 MVA | Rs. 00/- |
Obstructive Driving(Extra Passenger on Driver Seat) | 125/177 MVA | Rs. 500/- |
General Traffic Violation, we can avoid & save compounding amounts as specified in below link Traffic Delhi Police New Challan Rates List PDF is given below
Delhi Traffic Police Helpline Number
Traffic Helpline Number : 25844444 / 1095
Women's Helpline Number : 1091
North East's Helpline Number : 1093
Senior Citizen's Helpline : 1291
Read : Delhi Traffic Police New Fine List
What is the challan price of black tinted glasses of a car?
Red light jump which for chalan rate pries
What actions can be taken against those people who park their vehicle in front of other people gates? Is there any help available from delhi taffic police to get the vehicle tow away?
What is Black film chalan cost?
How many fine line changing in heavy vehicle
All fake…Every website telling different values.
FINE IS 100/-
Red light jump 100 rs but I got 1000
Stop line crossing.100
But show 500 rs
Check Updated amount of penalty for Delhi Traffic offenses and New Challan Rate of Delhi traffic Police at