CBI Officers List 2025 and CBI Directors List from 1963 to 2025

Check out The Central Bureau of Investigation CBI Officers List working in different states and UTs of India, Also check their motto, work responsibilities, and duties, list of offices and head offices of CBI

CBI Officer List :-The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is the premier investigating police and nodal police agency in India. CBI functions under Department of Personnel, Ministry of Personnel, Pension & Public Grievances, Government of India. CBI is an elite force that plays a major role in preservation of values in public life and in ensuring the health of the national economy. It also coordinates investigation on behalf of Interpol member countries.

Motto of CBI is to uphold the Constitution of India and law of the land through in-depth investigation and successful prosecution of offences, to provide leadership and direction to Police Forces and to act as the Nodal Agency for enhancing interstate and international cooperation in law enforcement.

CBI Officers List working in different States and UTs

CBI Officers List working as INTERPOL Liaison Officers in different States and UTs is given below in table.

S.NoSTATE / UTsCBI Officers Name and Address of OfficeTelephone. Number. and E-mail address
1ANDHRA PRADESHShri P.V. Sunil Kumar, IPS Addl. Director General of Police, Crime Investigation Department O/o Police Head Quarter, Mangalagiri 522503 Andhra Pradesh.0863-2340168 (O) 0863-2340169 (F) 9400700890 (M)
[email protected]
2ANDAMAN & NICOBARSh. Rajeev Ranjan, IPS Supd. of Police CID, Aberdeen Bazar, Port Blair, South Andaman District, Anadaman & Nicobar Islands-74410103192-233307 (O) 8900910418 (M)
[email protected]
3ARUNACHAL PRADESHShri John Pada Supdt. of Police(SB) Office of The Director General of Police, Special Branch, Police Headquarters, PO-R.K.Mission, PS- Itanagar, Distt.-Papumpare, Arunachal Pradesh-791 113.0360-2212363 (O) 0360-22212736 (F) 8974126892 (M)
[email protected]
4ASSAMShri Pranab Jyoti Goswami, APS, Superintendent of Police, CID, Assam, Ulubari, Guwahati, O/o the ADGP, CID, Assam, Ulubari P.O.-Ulubari, Guwahati, Dist.-Kamrup, Assam-781007.0361-2529840 (O) 94350-25425 (M)
[email protected]
5BIHARShri Tauhid Parwez Supdt. of Police(Crime), CID, Bihar, Room No.122,’’A’’Block Sardar Patel Bhawan, Bailey Rod, Patna. Old Secretariat, Patna0612-2294161 (O) 0612-2294190 (F) 9470001370 (M)
[email protected]
6CHANDIGARHShri Rajnish, DANIPS DSP (Crime) Crime Branch, Sector-11, Chandigarh-1600110172-2972797 (O) 0172-2972797 (F) 7087239006 (M)
[email protected]
7CHATTISGARHShri Sushil Chand Dwivedi, IPS DIG of Police, CID, O/o Crime Headquarter Sec.27, Naya Raipur, Chhatisgarh-4920020771-2331360 (O) 0771-2221022 (F) 09479190463 (M)
[email protected]
8DADAR & NAGAR HAVELI DAMAN & DIUShri Hareshwar V Swami SP, PHQ, Dadara and Nagar Havali, Shilvass -3962300260-2643022 (O) 0260-2630707 (F)
[email protected] [email protected]
9DELHIShri Dheeraj Kumar, IPS Joint CP / Crime, Room No. 1119, Tower -2, Eleventh Floor, Police Headquarters, Jai Singh road, New Delhi - 110 001.011 -23469718 (O) 011-23469518 (F) 9818099018 (M)
[email protected]
10GOAShri Nidhin Valson, IPS Supdt. of Police (Crime) Ribandar, Goa 403 0060832-2443082 (O) 7875756020 (M)
[email protected]
11GUJARATDr. Subhash Trivedi , IPS, Inspector General of Police(Crime -I) O/o The D.G of Police CID Crime & Railways, 4th Floor, Police Bhawan, Sector-18, Gandhinagar. Gujarat- 382010079-23254380 (O) 079-23257545 (F) 9978405071 (M)
[email protected]
12HARYANADr. Rajshri Singh, IPS Inspector General of Police, State Crime Branch , Gurugram , Haryana.8076915990 (M)
[email protected]
13HIMACHAL PRADESHDr. D.K. Chaudhary, IPS DIG (CID / Crime) Block No. 31 A, SDA Complex, Kasumpati, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.0177-2622205 (O) 0177-2626936 (F) 09418123023 (M)
[email protected]
14JAMMU & KASHMIRShri A.K. Choudhary, IPS, Inspector General of Police, Crime Headquarter, Exhibition Ground, Srinagar - 190001.(Winter) Panjtarithi Jammu 180001 (Summer)0194- 2489026 (O) 0194-2310912 (F) 9419060608 (M)
[email protected] [email protected]
15JHARKHANDShri Karthik S. Supdt. of Police, Crime. O/o CID, Jharkhand Raja Rani Kothi Nepal House Behind Doranda, Ranchi, Jharkhand- 8340020651-2490532 (O) 0651-2490295 (F)
[email protected] [email protected]
16KARNATAKAShri K. V. Sharath Chandra, IPS Addl.DGP, CID and Interpol Liaison Officer, Carlton House, Palace Road, Bengaluru -560001080-22288600 (O) 080-22943077 (F) 9480800211 (M)
[email protected]
17KERALAMs. Harshita Attaluri, IPS Inspector General of Police, Crime Branch Thiruvananthapuram Range, Crime Branch Head Quarters, Thiruvananthapuram- 695010 Kerala0471-2319787 (O) 09497996904 (F)
[email protected]
18KOLKATAShri Murlidhar, IPS JCP (Crime) Kolkata Police HQ, O/o JCP (Crime), Kolkata, 18, Lalbazar Street, Kolkata – 700001.033-22145737 (O) 9051113665 (M)
[email protected]
19LADAKHShri Stanzin Losal SP, CID, Ladakh01982-252165 (O) 9419037139 (F) 8825045363 (M)
[email protected] sp-cid01@ police.ladakh.gov.in
20LAKSHDWEEPShri Sharat Kumar Sinha, IPS SSP UT of Lakshadeep, PHQ, Kavaratti (PO) – 68255504896-262258 (O) 04896-263561 (F) 9446504227 (M)
[email protected]
21MADHYA PRADESHShri G.P. Singh, IPS Addl. Director General, Crime Investigation Dep. Second floor, New Police Head Quarter Building Jahangirabad, Bhopal-462008 ( M.P )0755-2443551 (O) 0755-2443566 (F)
[email protected]
22MAHARASHTRAShri Ranjan Kumar Sharma, Spl. IG, SCRB, CID, Pune, CID, HQ, Chavan Nagar, Pashan Road, Near to Modern College, Pune-411008. Maharasthra020-25638444 (O) 020-25638443 (F)
[email protected]
23MANIPURMrs. Joycee Lalremmawi, Supdt. of Police CID (CB), CID Office Complex, Manipur, Imphal, Babupara, Imphal, West District, Manipur – 7950010385-2451501 (F) 09436082905 (M)
[email protected]
24MEGHALAYAShri Vivekanand Singh Rathore, IPS Special Superintendent of Police, CID, O/o Addl. Director. General Of Police, Meghalaya, Shillong-7930010364-2504416 , 0364-2215707 (O) 0364-2220839 (F) 9485115118 (M)
[email protected] [email protected]
25MIZORAMShri LalhulianaFanai, IPS DIG (CID), Mizoram Police HQ, Aizawl.0389-2333484 (O) 0389-2333001 (F) 9436144349 (M)
[email protected]
26MUMBAIShri Suhas Warke, IPS Joint Commissioner of Police (Crime) O/o Commissioner of Police, Office Compound, Stone Building, 1st Floor, Opp. Crawford Market, Dr. D.N. Road, Mumbai Maharashtra-400001022-22620406 (O) 9870702139 (M)
[email protected]
27NAGALANDShri Zekotso Mero, IPS, IGP (Crime/NTPO), Police Headquarters, Kohima – 797001, Nagaland.0370-2221285 (O) 0370-2244274 (F) 09436003022 (M)
[email protected] [email protected]
28ODISHAShri Amitendra Nath Sinha, DIG, CID, Crime Branch, O/o IG of Police, CID, CB, PO: Buxibazar, Cuttack, Odisha-7530010671-2304166 (O) 0671-2304950 (F) 9437034455 (M)
[email protected]
29PUDUCHERRYShri Narrachaitanya, IPS, SSP (Crime & Int.), PHQ No 2, Rue Dumas Street, Puducherry-6050010413-2334368 (O)
[email protected]
30PUNJABShri Surinderjit Singh Mand, PPS Assistant Inspector General of Police, Crime - Investigation, Bureau of Investigation Room No 612, 6th Floor, Punjab Police Hqrs, Sector-9, Chandigarh0172-2748100-105 (Ex. - 2614) (O) 9501300700 (M)
[email protected]
31RAJASTHANShri Rahul Prakash DIGP, Crime Branch Room No 334, Police HQ, Jaipur, Rajasthan0141-2740961 (O) 9352490761 (M)
[email protected]
32SIKKIMShri Kunzang Dorjee Shangderpa DIGP/CID CB-CID,PHQ, Gangtok, Sikkim – 7371003592-202087 (O) 03592-204297 (F) 7547965002 (M)
[email protected]
33TAMIL NADUShri. K. Joshi Nirmal Kumar, IPS Inspector General of Police, Crime Branch CID, Chennai Old Commissioner of Campus, No.220, Pantheon Road, Egmore, Chennai-600008, Tamil Nadu.044-28512503 (O) 044-28512510 (F) 9994444384 (M)
[email protected]
34TELANGANAShri Govind Singh, IPS, Addl. Dir. Genl. of Police, CID, Telangana State, Hyderabad O/o Addl. Dir. Genl. of Police, CID, TS Police Head Quarters, 3rdfloor, Lakdikapool, Hyderabad-04040-23242424 (O) 040- 23237575 (F) 9490617522 (M)
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
35TRIPURAShri Ajit Pratap Singh, IPS SP (Serious Crime & Economic Offence), Tripura Police Crime Branch, Agartala, A.D.Nagar, District – West Tripura Tripura- 79900309402316846 (M)
[email protected]
36UTTAR PRADESHShri N.K. Bashal, IPS DIG (Crime), Police Headquarter Tower-II, 6th Floor, Gomti Nagar Vistar U.P. Lucknow– 226002 Bade Babu: 09454405114, 94157947480522-2390282 (O) 0522-2725698 (F) 9454400458 (M)
[email protected] [email protected]
37UTTARANCHALShri N. S. Napachial DIG, CID, Police station Vasant Vihar, Near Seema Dwar, Dehradun – 2480010135-2764005 (O) 0135-2764005 (F) 7500064836 , 9412045978 (M)
[email protected]
38WEST BENGALSmt. Soma Das Mitra, IPS Deputy Inspector General of Police (Operation), CID, West Bengal O/o CID, West Bengal, Bhawani Bhawan, Alipur, Kolkata – 700027033-24506100 (O) 033-24506174 (F) 9051500356 (M)
[email protected]
CBI Officers List 2025

CBI Directors List from 1963 to 2025

The Central Bureau of Investigation CBI is headed by a Director who is appointed by a three-member panel of

  1. Prime Minister (Chairperson)
  2. Leader of Opposition (Lok Sabha)
  3. Chief Justice of India or Supreme Court Judge recommended by the Chief Justice.

List of all directors of CBI from1963 to 2025 is given below in the table.

Name of CBI DirectorTerm of Office FromTo
D. P. Kohli1 April 196331 May 1968
F. V. Arul31 May 19686 May 1971
D. Sen6 May 197129 March 1977
S. N. Mathur29 March 19772 May 1977
C. V. Narsimhan2 May 197725 November 1977
John Lobo25 November 197730 June 1979
Shri R. D. Singh30 June 197924 January 1980
J. S. Bajwa24 January 198028 February 1985
M. G. Katre28 February 198531 October 1989
A. P. Mukherjee31 October 198911 January 1990
R. Sekhar11 January 199014 February 1990
Vijay Karan14 February 199014 February 1990
S. K. Datta14 February 199031 July 1993
K. V. R. Rao31 July 199331 July 1996
Joginder Singh31 July 199630 June 1997
R. C. Sharma30 June 199731 January 1998
D. R. Karthikeyan (acting)31 January 199831 March 1998
T. N. Mishra (acting)31 March 19984 January 1999
R. K. Raghavan4 January 19991 April 2001
P. C. Sharma1 April 20016 December 2003
U. S. Misra6 December 20036 December 2005
Vijay Shanker Tiwari12 December 200531 July 2008
Ashwani Kumar2 August 200830 November 2010
A. P. Singh30 November 201030 November 2012
Ranjit Sinha3 December 20122 December 2014
Anil Sinha3 December 20142 December 2016
Rakesh Asthana (Special Director)3 December 2016Present (on leave)
Alok Verma1 February 201710 January 2019
M. Nageshwar Rao (interim)24 October 20181 February 2019
Rishi Kumar Shukla2 February 20192 February 2021
Praveen Sinha (interim)2 February 202125 May 2021
Subodh Kumar Jaiswal25 May 2021Incumbent
List of CBI Directors

Work and Duties of CBI Officers

  • Combating corruption in public life, curb economic and violent crimes through meticulous investigation and prosecution.
  • Evolve effective systems and procedures for successful investigation and prosecution of cases in various law courts.
  • Help fight cyber and high technology crime.
  • Create a healthy work environment that encourages team-building, free communication and mutual trust
  • Support state police organizations and law enforcement agencies in national and international cooperation particularly relating to enquiries and investigation of cases.
  • Play a lead role in the war against national and transnational organized crime.
  • Uphold Human Rights, protect the environment, arts, antiques and heritage of our civilization.
  • Develop a scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform.
  • Strive for excellence and professionalism in all spheres of functioning so that the organization rises to high levels of endeavor and achievement

List of Offices and Head Offices of CBI PDF

Download CBI Offices list pdf from below link.


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3 thoughts on “CBI Officers List 2025 and CBI Directors List from 1963 to 2025”

  1. CBI cops are at liberty and has suppressed any real and true foul play, but why ! I filed by E-Mail in May 2022 for taking the job by Dr Ashoo Grover( now senior scientist F) , ICMR, New Delhi at-par with IAS, by froud, forgery and curruption, my complaint suppressed but why ?

  2. Dr Bajaj says why is it hidden? Why is it not independent topic no. 2? concealed at remote point!!! Please make it independent headlines (titled).

    • Why no action has been taken so far, It is open case of forgery, fraud and curruption, why the culprit has not been arrested so far, why the complaint has been supressed so far?

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