All India Government Helpline Numbers and Emergency Contact Numbers List

Discover the essential government helpline numbers in India for emergency assistance. Save these contact numbers and ensure prompt help during any crisis.

Government Helpline Numbers List: In times of emergencies, knowing the right contact numbers can save lives. Keep these helplines saved in your phone so that you can get help quickly without panic.

The national emergency helpline number is 112, which connects you to police, fire, and ambulance services. This number is available 24/7 across India to provide immediate assistance during emergencies.

All India Government Helpline Numbers List

Here is a comprehensive list of important government emergency contact numbers:

National Emergency Number112
Traffic Police103
Women Helpline1091
Women Helpline (Domestic)181
AIDS Helpline1097
Disaster Management / Medical Helpline109
Indian Railway General Enquiry131
Railway Enquiry139
Telephone Complaint Booking199
Anti-Corruption Helpline1031
Emergency Relief Centre on National Highways1033
Train Accident1011
Road Accident1073
Earthquake Helpline Service1092
LPG Emergency Helpline Number1906
Air Accident1011
Child Abuse Hotline1098
Blood Bank Information1910
Eye Donation / Eye Bank Information Service1919
Kisan Cell Center1551
Aadhar Card (UIDAI)1947
Election Commission of India1950
National Consumer Helpline1800-11-4000
Tourist Helpline1363 / 1800111363
Senior Citizen Helpline1091, 1291
COVID-19 Helpline1075 / 011-23978046 / +91-11-23978046
List of Government Helpline Numbers | Emergency Number List

Emergency Government Contact Numbers

Here are the most essential government emergency contacts:

  • Police Control Room - 100
  • Fire Control Room - 101
  • Ambulance Helpline - 102
  • National Emergency Number - 112
  • Road Accident Emergency Service - 1073
  • Railway Accident Emergency Service - 1072
  • LPG Leak Helpline Number - 1906

Remember, 112 is the unified emergency number that you can dial for assistance with all emergencies, including police, fire, and medical services.

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4 thoughts on “All India Government Helpline Numbers and Emergency Contact Numbers List”

  1. There is ample space for parking in Rajouri garden RTO premises but don't allow to park . This compell the visitors to park vehicles outside the RTO . Traffic police tow the vehicle. Is there any nexus between RTO AND TRAFFIC POLICE. Why they don't allow parking inside

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