Gram Panchayat Ward List 2025: Gram Panchayat is a basic village governing institute in village. It is a democratic structure at the grass roots level in India. It is a political institute acting as cabinet of the village. The gram sabha work as the general body of the Gram Panchayat. There are about 2,50,000 Gram Panchayats in India.
Gram Panchayats are at the lowest level of Panchayat Raj Institutions, whose legal authority is the 73rd Constitutional Amendment of 1992, which is concerned with rural local government
- Panchayat at District Level.
- Panchayat at Intermediate Level.
- Panchayat at Base Level.
The Gram Panchayat is divided into wards and each ward is represented by a Ward Member or Commissioner also referred to as a Panch or Panchayat Member, who is directly elected by the villagers. Gram Panchayat Ward List is given below.
Gram Panchayat Ward List
District Gram Panchayat Ward / Constituency wise village panchayat list can be check using following steps given below.
Step 1 : Visit Local Government Directory official website
Step 2 : Home page of the website will open, then click on District Panchayat Ward / Constituency.
Step 3 : Direct link
Step 4 : Select State and enter Captcha image
Step 5 : Click on "Get Data" button to get Gram Panchayat Ward List
State Wise Gram Panchayat List
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