Mukhya Mantri Seekho Kamao Yojana Courses List Pdf

Seekho Kamao Yojana Courses List

Ministry of Minority Affairs has released Mukhya Mantri Seekho Kamao Yojana courses list and registration process for Seekho Kamao Yojana Courses will start from 15 June to 31 July 2023.

Seekho Kamao Yojana Courses List: अल्पसंख्यक कार्य मंत्रालय ने अल्पसंख्यकों के लिए कौशल विकास पाठ्यक्रमों के लिए सीखो और कमाओ -2.0 पोर्टल लॉन्च किया है। सीखो कमाओ योजना का मुख्य उद्देश्य अल्पसंख्यकों की बेरोजगारी दर को कम करना और अल्पसंख्यकों के लिए आधुनिक और पारंपरिक कौशल का संरक्षण और अद्यतन करना है। Mukhya Mantri Seekho Kamao योजना युवाओं को अपने पैरों पर खड़ा होना सिखायागी। योजना के अंतर्गत युवाओं को प्रशिक्षण देने वाले प्रतिष्ठानों का पंजीयन 07 जून 2023 से और काम सीखने के इच्छुक युवाओं का पंजीयन 15 जून 2023 से आरंभ होगा। 15 जुलाई 2023 से युवाओं का...

फसल बीमा लिस्ट जिलेवार सूची MP 2023 | MP Fasal Bima List 2023 PDF in Hindi

MP Fasal Bima List

Madhya Pradesh government has released MP Fasal Bima list 2023. Check complete procedure to download MP Fasal Bima list 2023 PDF (मध्यप्रदेश फसल बीमा लिस्ट जिलेवार सूची)

मध्य प्रदेश सरकार ने 12 फरवरी 2023 को MP Fasal Bima List 2023 PDF जारी की है। जिन उम्मीदवारों ने प्रधान मंत्री फसल बीमा योजना के लिए आवेदन किया है, वे आधिकारिक वेबसाइट से MP फसल बीमा योजना सूची की जांच कर सकते हैं और उम्मीदवार सीधे नीचे दिए गए लिंक से फसल बीमा लाभार्थी सूची जिलेवार भी देख सकते हैं। MP PM Fasal Bima Yojana  के तहत सभी उत्पादों को कृषि विभाग, मध्यप्रदेश सरकार द्वारा अनुमोदित किया गया है। अशोकनगर, छतरपुर, दमोह, दतिया, गुना, ग्वालियर, पन्ना, सागर, शिवपुरी, टीकमगढ़ जिलों के किसान अपनी संबंधित बैंकों, जनसेवा केंद्रों (सीएससी) या...

WCR Apprentice Merit List 2023

WCR Apprentice Merit List

West Central Railway has released WCR apprentice merit list for fitter, turner, carpenter, electrician, welder, mechanic, painter, refrigerator & AC mechanic, cable jointer/crane operator, electronics & mechanic, lineman and wireman. Download WCR apprentice merit list 2023 pdf and check WCR apprentice DV dates

West Central Railway has released WCR apprentice merit list for training in workshop and division of West Central Railway as Act Apprentices under Apprentices Act 1961. The candidates who have applied for WCR apprentice recruitment now can check their name in Act Apprentice merit list. There are total for 2521 vacancies of Engagement of Act Apprentices in railway department for fitter, turner, carpenter, electrician, welder, mechanic, painter, refrigerator & AC mechanic, cable jointer/crane operator, electronics & mechanic, lineman and wireman trades. The minimum qualification for apprentices training in workshop is 10th pass and ITI in any trade by NCVT/SCVT. WCR...

TRC MP Online Merit List Varg 3

TRC MP Online Merit List Varg 3

Madhya Pradesh Teacher Recruitment Counselling Board has released list of candidates for document verification and provisional selection list of MP TET grade 3 teacher recruitment exam. Check below TRC MP Online merit list Varg 3 pdf and list of document required for verification of Samvida Shikshak Varg 3

TRC MP Online Merit List Varg 3: Madhya Pradesh Teacher Recruitment Counselling Board has released TRC mponline merit list Varg 3. The candidates who have appeared in MP TET Varg 3 exam held on 05 March 2023, now can check their name in MP Samvida Shikshak Varg 3 merit list 2023 and need to upload documents required for verification process. The expected date of publication of MP Varg 3 final merit list after verification is first week of June 2023. Madhya Pradesh Teachers Recruitment Board has released provisional selection list and waiting list of grade 3 teachers in tribal...

MP Board Topper List 2025 Class 10th & 12th | District Wise MP Board Merit List

MP Board Topper List

MP Board of Secondary Education has declared MPBSE 10th and 12th class result 2023. Mridul Pal topped MP board class 10 and Mauli Nema topped class 12. Check below MP Board topper list 2023 and download district wise MP board merit list of 10th and 12th class board exams

MP Board Topper List 2025: MP Board of Secondary Education has declared the result of 10th and 12th classes on 25 May 2023. The candidates who have appeared for 10th and 12th class MP Board exam can check their result on official website of Madhya Pradesh Board and School Education Minister Inder Singh Parmar will announce MPBSE class 10th and 12th results 2023 via a press conference on 25 May 2023. MP Board 10th class pass percentage is 63.29% and 12th class pass percentage is 55.28%. Along with MP board result 2023, MP Board of Secondary Education has... Waiting List 2025 | TRC MP Online Varg 2 Tribal 2nd Merit List Provisional Selection and Waiting List Pdf Waiting List waiting list, check out TRC MP Online Varg 2 Tribal merit list and MP Varg 2 waiting list at official website. Download provisional selection list pdf, Teacher recruitment for 7429 posts under School Education Department and 11098 posts of Tribal Affairs Department. Also check MP Samvida Shikshak Varg 3 merit list and result Waiting List: The Tribal Affairs and Welfare Department runs special residential educational institutions in 89 tribal development blocks of the tribal sub-plan area in Madhya Pradesh. The School Education Department and Tribal Affairs Department of Madhya Pradesh have released a total of 18,527 teacher vacancies. These vacancies will be filled by candidates who have qualified in the Primary Teacher Eligibility Test conducted by the Professional Examination Board Madhya Pradesh. All the relevant information regarding qualification, reservation, and counseling can be found on the website Madhya Pradesh Teachers Recruitment Board has released waiting list and provisional merit list...

GOAF Gov in Result 2022-23 List – अफीम फैक्ट्री रिजल्ट

GOAF Gov in Result Neemuch has released GOAF Gov in Result 2023 list for opium crop year 2022-23. Check below नीमच अफीम फैक्ट्री रिजल्ट 2022-23 and गाजीपुर अफीम फैक्ट्री रिजल्ट 2022-23

Government Opium & Alkaloid Factories of Neemuch and Gazipur has released GOAF Gov in Result 2023 list for opium crop year 2022-23. The farmers of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh now can check result 2022-23 of opium sample analysis results conducted from 4 April 2023 to 29 April 2023. Narcotics Commissioner issues licenses to the farmers to cultivate opium poppy. Opium poppy crop is grown by cultivators and procured by Central Bureau of Narcotics (CBN) and then it is transferred to Government Opium and Alkaloids Works (GOAW) factories for extraction of alkaloids from opium then it is sold...

CUET Exam Centre List 2023

CUET Exam Centre List

National Testing Agency has announced CUET exam city for CUET (UG) - 2023 examination. Candidates can check CUET exam centre on 14 May 2023, Check below CUET exam centre list 2023

National Testing Agency has announced CUET exam centre list 2023 for Common University Entrance Test. CUET (UG) -2023 exam will be conducted from 21 May 2023 at 489 examination centres located in 259 cities across India and 24 cities outside India. The CUET exam city will be announced on 14 May 2023 onwards. The candidates who have applied for Common University Entrance Test will be able to download admit card 3 days before the date of examination. The details of examination city with address and actual date of exam will be available 14 May 2023. You can download your admit...

India Post GDS Second Merit List 2023 State Wise

India Post GDS Second Merit List

India Post Recruitment Board has published state wise India Post GDS second merit list 2023 for the post of Gramin Dak Sevak and Branch Postmaster. Check below list of documents required for GDS documents verification

India Post GDS Second Merit List: India Post Gramin Dak Seva recruitment 2023 result for 40889 GDS posts has been already by Post Office on 11 March 2023. List of shortlisted candidates for document verification is released for all circles. The GDS department has issue supplementary list of shortlisted applicants against candidates who have not turned up for document verification and rejected candidates. India Post GDS second merit list 2023 shortlisted will be called for documents verification process. India Post Recruitment 2023 for 40889 post of Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS), Branch Postmaster (BPM), Assistant Branch Postmaster(ABPM) and Dak Seva across...

UGC Approved University List 2025 of all Central, State, Private and Deemed Universities

UGC Approved University List

As on 31 March 2023 there are total 1078 universities including 54 Central Universities, 464 State Public Universities, 128 Deemed Universities and 432 State Private Universities, Check below all UGC approved university list 2025 arranged in state wise order, Also check list of fake universities by UGC (University Grants Commission)

University Grants Commission regulates standard of teaching, examination and researches in approved universities. UGC set standards for various exams like CSIR NET, UGC NRT, ICAR NET etc. University Grants Commission (UGC) pays out grants to the universities and colleges and give advises to Central & State Government for positive improvements in universities and higher educational institutions. It also maintain contact between State, Union Government and various entities of advance education. UGC offers acknowledgement to universities and colleges approved by it and distributes fund to them. The head-office of UGC is at Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi and regional headquarters...