The NSE Ban List section shows you Market Wide Position Limit or MWPL for over 140 derivative NSE stocks. It also shows whether a stock is in Ban List or has chances of a possible entry in the near future.
A stock enters the Ban List if its MWP is above 95% Implying that Ban list shows the futures and options stocks whose combined open interest in fall FnO contracts for a given period crosses 95% of Market Wide Position Limit.
NSE Ban List
Recent NSE Ban List include four stocks namely RBL Bank, India bulls Housing Finance, Sun TV and Delta Corp are under F & O NSE Ban List for 27 June 2022. These stocks crossed the limit of 95% of the market wide position limit and under NSE ban List till theses stock comes under 80%.
Security in NSE Ban List for Today 05 july 2022 is Zero or Nill means no stock under NSE BAN List for day.
Symbol | Previous MWPL % | Current MWPL % |
ESCORTS | 42.72 | 49.72 |
Delta Crops | 87.51 | 85.71 |
RBL Bank | 84.78 | 61.37 |
IDEA | 94.31 | 55.84 |
SUNTV | 84.26 | 45.68 |
SAIL | 60.32 | 61.29 |
BHEL | 89.69 | 84.89 |
Possible Entrants
Symbol | Previous MWPL % | Current MWPL % |
GNFC | 83.56 | 87.63 |
VEDL | 83.11 % | 45.67 |
PNB | 87.69 | 83.92 |
AMARAJABAT | 83.22 % | 31.47 |
NMDC | 78.19 % | 36.26 |
Possible Exits
Symbol | Previous MWPL % | Current MWPL % |
NATIONALUM | 88.13% | 47.74 |
SUNTV | 84.26% | 45.58 |
SAIL | 60.32 | 61.29 |
BHEL | 89.69 | 84.89 |
For more details visit NSE official website
NSE F&O Stocks List
Check the list of Underlyings & Underlying Info from below link.
What is NSE Ban List?
What is MWPL?
What is F & O in NSE Ban List?
What is effect of NSE Ban?
How NSE effect the stock market and retailers? F & O ban good or bad ?
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ASM List NSE | ASM Stock List National Stock Exchange 2022