e-HRMS Gujarat Anganwadi Merit List 2025 | e-hrms gujarat.gov.in Merit List
Check the latest e-HRMS Gujarat Anganwadi Merit List for 2025. Find step-by-step instructions on how to view the merit and reject list on e-hrms Gujarat. Get details on vacancies and recruitment updates.
e-hrms gujarat.gov.in Merit List 2025: The Women and Child Development Department of the Government of Gujarat has announced vacancies for the Anganwadi Worker (AWH) and Anganwadi Helper (AWW) positions. A significant number of candidates have submitted their applications online at e-hrms gujarat.gov.in. The CDPO and PO have successfully completed the online merit verification process. The e-HRMS Gujarat Anganwadi merit list is now available on the official eHRMS Gujarat website. For candidates who applied for Anganwadi Bharti 2025, the E-hrms merit list for 10,400 positions is now searchable. You can download the merit list and the rejected candidates list on e-hrms.gujarat.gov.in....