BJP Jila Adhyaksh MP List – मध्य प्रदेश बीजेपी जिला अध्यक्षों की सूची की घोषणा

BJP Jila Adhyaksh MP List

Discover the latest updates on the BJP Jila Adhyaksh MP List, including the newly appointed district heads in Madhya Pradesh, along with insights into upcoming party leadership elections.

BJP Jila Adhyaksh MP List: मध्य प्रदेश में बीजेपी संगठन ने लंबे इंतजार के बाद हाल ही में विदिशा और उज्जैन नगर के नए जिला अध्यक्षों की घोषणा की है। संगठन के कार्यकर्ता बहुत समय से इस लिस्ट का इंतजार कर रहे थे। हाल की घोषणा से अन्य जिलों के अध्यक्षों के नामों की भी जल्द घोषणा की संभावना है। मुख्य बातें - Highlights of BJP Jila Adhyaksh MP List जिला नया अध्यक्ष महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी विदिशा महाराज सिंह दांगी पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री शिवराज सिंह का संसदीय क्षेत्र उज्जैन नगर संजय अग्रवाल मुख्यमंत्री मोहन यादव के करीबी किसे मिली जिम्मेदारी? विदिशा जिला:...

RTE MP School List – शिक्षा का अधिकार अधिनियम के तहत सत्र 2025 हेतु ऑनलाइन लॉटरी

RTE MP School List

Check the updated RTE MP School List for 2024-25 admissions under the RTE Act 2009. Find eligibility criteria, required documents, and lottery details here.

RTE MP School List: The Madhya Pradesh government has announced the admission process for students in government-aided schools under the RTE Act 2009. Parents can find the list of participating schools at the end of this article. This initiative provides free admission to private schools recognized under the RTE. Parents are encouraged to check the RTE MP school list before the allotment results are released. The online lottery for free admissions under the RTE for the academic session 2024-25 is expected to occur soon. Please follow the steps below to view the list of schools participating in the RTE admission...

Madhya Pradesh MP Cabinet Minister List 2025

MP Cabinet Minister List

Explore the latest Madhya Pradesh MP Cabinet Minister List for 2025, including details of designations, constituencies, and party affiliations.

MP Cabinet Minister List: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has won the Madhya Pradesh state legislative assembly elections, securing 163 out of a total of 230 seats. Mohan Yadav has been appointed as the new Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh. He is set to take his oath along with other cabinet ministers at Lal Pared Ground, Bhopal in December 2023. Jagdish Deva and Rajendra Shukla will serve as the deputy Chief Ministers of the state. Narendra Tomar is appointed as the new Speaker of the Madhya Pradesh Legislative Assembly. Former Chief Minister Shivraj Chouhan has submitted his resignation to Governor...

WCL Apprentice Merit List 2023 – ITI Passed Trade Apprentice & Graduate/Technician Apprentice

WCL Apprentice Merit List

Check the WCL Apprentice Merit List 2023 for ITI Passed Trade and Graduate/Technician Apprentices. Find out how to check your selection status and the necessary documents required.

Western Coalfields Limited (WCL) has published the WCL apprentice merit list for ITI passed trade apprentices and graduate & technician apprentice trainees under the Apprentice Act, 1961. Candidates who have applied for WCL apprenticeships can check the results and the list of selected candidates for apprentice training on the official website or through the direct links provided below. The provisional merit list will be based on the academic performance of the registered candidates in their qualifying examinations. Selected candidates will then be called for document verification at the designated office. The final selection list will be published after this...

Afim Patta List 2025-26 – अफीम पट्टा लिस्ट

Afim Patta List

Discover the latest Afim Patta List for 2025-26 issued by the Narcotics Department of the Indian Government. Find out how to check the list, download PDFs, and new guidelines for opium cultivation.

केंद्र सरकार नारकोटिक्स विभाग ने अफीम की नई नीति और Afim Patta List 2025-26 जारी की है। इस नीति के तहत सभी पात्र किसानों को 10-10 आरी के पट्टे दिए जाएंगे और किसान 2 से अधिक भूखंडों पर अफीम की बुवाई नहीं कर सकते हैं। अफीम लाइसेंस के लिए फसल वर्ष 2023-24 के दौरान न्यूनतम 4.2 किलोग्राम मॉर्फिन प्रति हेक्टेयर देना आवश्यक है। इसके अलावा, किसानों को लाइसेंस प्राप्त क्षेत्र बनाने के लिए दूसरों की जमीन लीज पर लेने की अनुमति दी जाएगी। भारत में अफीम की फसल की खेती नीमच एव मंदसौर (मध्य प्रदेश), प्रतापगढ़ एव चित्तौड़गढ़ (राजस्थान) और...

NCL Apprentice Merit List 2025 – Graduate and Diploma (Technician)

NCL Apprentice Merit List

Check the updated NCL Apprentice Merit List 2025 for Graduate and Diploma (Technician) positions. Download PDF and find essential information about the selection process and documents required.

The Human Resources Development Department of Northern Coalfields Limited has announced the NCL Apprentice merit list for graduate and diploma (technician) apprentice trainees. Candidates who applied for the NCL apprentice can check their results and the merit list of selected students for apprentice training at or by following the direct link below. The provisional list for the NCL Apprentice will be prepared based on the final aggregate marks scored by candidates in their graduation or diploma qualifying courses. The list of candidates deemed eligible for engagement as Apprentice Trainee under the Apprentice Act 1961 will be published on 10...

MP ITI Merit List 2025 PDF

MP ITI Merit List

Check the updated MP ITI Merit List 2025 PDF for admissions in Madhya Pradesh's top ITIs. Find how to view the merit list, important dates, and required documents.

Directorate of Skill Development and Directorate of Technical Education has released the MP ITI merit list for admission to government and private ITI institutions in Madhya Pradesh for the session 2025-26. Candidates who have applied for admission in the NCVT/SCVT courses conducted in ITIs can check the ITI admission counseling results based on the MP ITI merit list. The eligibility for most trades requires candidates to have at least passed the 10th class, while some trades like Wood Work Technician-Carpenter, Mason, Sewing Technology, Dress Making, and Painter General allow 8th pass candidates for admission. Admission to ITI is determined by...

Mukhya Mantri Seekho Kamao Yojana Courses List Pdf

Seekho Kamao Yojana Courses List

Ministry of Minority Affairs has released Mukhya Mantri Seekho Kamao Yojana courses list and registration process for Seekho Kamao Yojana Courses will start from 15 June to 31 July 2023.

Seekho Kamao Yojana Courses List: अल्पसंख्यक कार्य मंत्रालय ने अल्पसंख्यकों के लिए कौशल विकास पाठ्यक्रमों के लिए सीखो और कमाओ -2.0 पोर्टल लॉन्च किया है। सीखो कमाओ योजना का मुख्य उद्देश्य अल्पसंख्यकों की बेरोजगारी दर को कम करना और अल्पसंख्यकों के लिए आधुनिक और पारंपरिक कौशल का संरक्षण और अद्यतन करना है। Mukhya Mantri Seekho Kamao योजना युवाओं को अपने पैरों पर खड़ा होना सिखायागी। योजना के अंतर्गत युवाओं को प्रशिक्षण देने वाले प्रतिष्ठानों का पंजीयन 07 जून 2023 से और काम सीखने के इच्छुक युवाओं का पंजीयन 15 जून 2023 से आरंभ होगा। 15 जुलाई 2023 से युवाओं का...

फसल बीमा लिस्ट जिलेवार सूची MP 2025 | MP Fasal Bima List 2025 PDF in Hindi

MP Fasal Bima List

Get the updated MP Fasal Bima List 2025 PDF for the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana. Check the beneficiary list district-wise and find out how to apply for crop insurance.

मध्य प्रदेश सरकार ने 2025 में MP Fasal Bima List 2025 PDF जारी करने की योजना बनाई है। जो उम्मीदवार प्रधान मंत्री फसल बीमा योजना के लिए आवेदन करना चाहते हैं, वे आधिकारिक वेबसाइट से MP फसल बीमा योजना की सूची की जांच कर सकते हैं। लाभार्थी सीधे नीचे दिए गए लिंक से जिलेवार फसल बीमा सूची देख सकते हैं। MP PM Fasal Bima Yojana के तहत सभी उत्पादों को कृषि विभाग, मध्यप्रदेश सरकार द्वारा अनुमोदित किया गया है। किसान अपनी संबंधित बैंकों, जनसेवा केंद्रों (सीएससी) या एचडीएफसी एर्गो के अधिकृत एजेंटों से संपर्क करके सूची बद्ध फसलों के लिए...

WCR Apprentice Merit List 2025

WCR Apprentice Merit List

Check the WCR Apprentice Merit List 2025 for 2521 vacancies. Learn how to verify your name in the list and find necessary documents required for the selection process.

West Central Railway has released the WCR apprentice merit list for training in the workshop and division as Act Apprentices under the Apprentices Act of 1961. Candidates who have applied for the WCR apprentice recruitment can now check if their name is in the Act Apprentice merit list. A total of 2521 vacancies are available for the engagement of Act Apprentices in the railway department for various trades including fitter, turner, carpenter, electrician, welder, mechanic, painter, refrigerator & AC mechanic, cable jointer/crane operator, electronics & mechanic, lineman, and wireman. The minimum qualification required for apprenticeship training in the workshop is...