List of Seven Continents: The Earth is composed of approximately 71% water and 29% land. This land is divided into seven continents, which are Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Australia (or Oceania), and Antarctica.
Each continent has its own unique cultural, geographical, and demographic characteristics. These landmasses vary significantly in population, area, and density. Below is a comprehensive list of the seven continents along with their populations and other important details.
Details of the Seven Continents
S.No. | Continent | Population (2025) | Area (Km²) | Density (P/Km²) | World Population Share |
1 | Asia | 4,641,054,775 | 31,033,131 | 150 | 59.54% |
2 | Africa | 1,340,598,147 | 29,648,481 | 45 | 17.20% |
3 | Europe | 747,636,026 | 22,134,900 | 34 | 9.59% |
4 | North America | 592,072,212 | 21,330,000 | 28 | 7.60% |
5 | South America | 430,759,766 | 17,461,112 | 25 | 5.53% |
6 | Australia/Oceania | 43,111,704 | 8,486,460 | 5 | 0.55% |
7 | Antarctica | 0 | 13,720,000 | 0 | 0.00% |
Overview of Each Continent
Number of Countries: 48
Size: 44,579,000 sq. km
Population: 4,436,224,000
Number of Countries: 54
Size: 30,231,532 sq. km
Population: 1,216,130,000
Australia (Oceania)
Number of Countries: 3
Size: 8,525,989 sq. km
Population: 39,901,000
Number of Countries: 0
Size: 14,000,000 sq. km
Population: 1,106
Number of Countries: 50
Size: 10,180,000 sq. km
Population: 738,849,000
North America
Number of Countries: 23
Size: 24,709,000 sq. km
Population: 579,024,000
South America
Number of Countries: 12
Size: 17,840,000 sq. km
Population: 422,535,000
Seven Continents Name List in Hindi
विश्व में कुल सात महाद्वीप हैं, जिनके नाम की सूची नीचे दी गई है।
- एशिया
- अफ्रीका
- उत्तरी अमेरिका
- दक्षिणी अमेरिका
- अंटार्कटिका
- यूरोप
- आस्ट्रेलिया
List of Five Oceans
- The Pacific Ocean
- The Atlantic Ocean
- The Indian Ocean
- The Arctic Ocean
- The Southern Ocean
Download Seven Continents Map PDF
Download a PDF map of the seven continents from the link below:
7 Continents Map PDF
Read: G7 Countries List