UP Viklang Pension List 2025 PDF | दिव्यांग पेंशन लिस्ट उत्तर प्रदेश

Check UP Viklang Pension List 2025 online. Find your name and download the PDF effortlessly. Supports disabled individuals in Uttar Pradesh.

विकलांग / दिव्यांग पेंशन लिस्ट उत्तर प्रदेश: Uttar Pradesh Viklang Pension List 2025 is now available online at sspy-up.gov.in. UP Divyang Pension List 2025 can be checked online by the beneficiaries and can even be downloaded on desktop or laptop computers.

In this article, we will guide you on how to find your name in the UP Viklang Pension Yojana List of beneficiaries at the Integrated Pension Portal.

The Divyang / Viklang Pension Scheme in UP aims to provide support for physically handicapped persons. This pension amount is designed to help disabled individuals sustain their lives. All people with disabilities who had previously enrolled in the UP Handicap Pension Yojana can now find their names in the beneficiaries list.

UP Viklang Pension List 2025

Here is the complete process to find your name in the UP Divyang Pension List:

STEP 1: Firstly visit the official Integrated Pension Portal (एकीकृत सामाजिक पेंशन पोर्टल) at https://sspy-up.gov.in/HindiPages/index_h.aspx

STEP 2: At the homepage, click on the "Divyang & Leprosy Pension - दिव्यांग एवं कुष्ठावस्था पेंशन" link present in the header or directly click https://sspy-up.gov.in/HindiPages/handicap_h.aspx

SSPY UP Gov In Official Website

STEP 3: Once on this page, go to the "पेंशनर सूची" section and click on the "पेंशनर सूची 2020-21" link to view the UP Old Age Pension List of the year 2020-2021. For pensioners list of other years, you can select that particular year.

SSPY UP Handicap Pensioners List

STEP 4: The UP Physically Handicapped Pensioners List will open, showing the names of districts, total pensioners, and amounts on a quarterly basis.

UP Physically Handicapped Pensioners List District Wise

STEP 5: Click on the name of the "District - जनपद" to open the UP Disabled Pensioners List Area Wise (Rural / Urban). This list will include the name of the block, the total number of pensioners, and amounts on a quarterly basis.

UP Disabled Pensioners List Area Wise

STEP 6: Click on the name of the "Block - विकासखण्ड" to access the UP Persons with Disability Pension List Gram Panchayat wise. This list will contain the names of the gram panchayat, total number of pensioners, and amount.

UP Persons With Disability Pensioners List Gram Panchayat Wise

STEP 7: Click on the name of the "Gram Panchayat - ग्राम पंचायत" to open the UP Divyangjan Pension List Village Wise. This will include the name of the village, total pensioners, and amount.

UP Divyangjan Pension List Village Wise

STEP 8: Finally, click on the link under "कुल पेंशनर्स" next to the name of the "ग्राम" to open the UP Viklang Pension Yojana List of Beneficiaries.

UP Viklang Pension List

All those who have registered for the UP Viklang Pension Yojana can now find their names manually in the UP Divyang Pensioners List.

UP Divyang Pension List PDF - How to Download

STEP 1: Start by visiting the official Integrated Pension Portal (एकीकृत सामाजिक पेंशन पोर्टल) at https://sspy-up.gov.in/HindiPages/index_h.aspx

STEP 2: Click on the "Divyang & Leprosy Pension - दिव्यांग एवं कुष्ठावस्था पेंशन" link.

STEP 3: Follow Steps 3 to 8 above to access the UP Viklang Pension List of beneficiaries. Then click on "CTRL + P" on your keyboard to print the UP Divyang Pension List.

Print UP Divyang Pension List

STEP 4: The destination will be set to "Microsoft Print to PDF", change this to "Save as PDF".

STEP 5: Save the UP Divyang Pension List PDF file on your desktop or laptop.

UP Divyang Pension Yojana List PDF Download

STEP 6: You can then open the downloaded UP Divyang Pension List PDF file to find your name manually in the Viklang Pensioners List.


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For further information, please visit the official website at https://sspy-up.gov.in/EnglishPages/index_en.aspx