Himachal Pradesh state government has launched a portal eudyan.hp.gov.in for development of horticulture, plant nutrition and protection in hilly areas with an objective of sustainable growth of horticulture in the state. The HP state has achieved the title of being "Apple State of India" with its high quality of apple cultivation.
HP eUdyan portal enable government to work as per citizen charter under Himachal Pradesh Public Service Guarantee Act. Farmers can apply online at https://eudyan.hp.gov.in/ for Horticulture services mentioned in the section later. The new E-Udyan portal and app will also provide online processing facility for officials of Department of Horticulture of Himachal Pradesh. eUdyan Portal / App will enable timely delivery of services to farmers.
Citizen Services List at eudyan.hp.gov.in Portal
Demand and Supply services |
Demand & Supply of Pesticides |
Demand & Supply of Improved Quality Planting Material (HPHDP) |
Services for Fruit Nursery registration |
Application for Grant of Fruit Nursery License |
Addition of Fruit Variety at Registered Nursery |
Renewal of Fruit Nursery License |
Services for Subsidy Scheme |
Subsidy for Establishment of Hi-Tech Nursery(4 Ha) |
Subsidy for Establishment of Small Nursery(1 Ha) |
Subsidy for Upgrading Nursery Infrastructure |
Subsidy for purchase of Power Tiller |
Subsidy for purchase of Self – Propelled Horticulture Machinery |
Subsidy for Purchase of Tractor |
Subsidy for Purchase of Manual Operated Equipment (Pruning secateurs, Pruning saw, Budding or grafting knives etc) |
Application for subsidy under Mukhya Mantri Madhu Vikas Yojna |
Application for Subsidy for Post Harvest Horticulture Inputs and Activities (MIDH) |
Application for Subsidy for Horticulture Inputs and Activities (MIDH & RKVY) |
Demand & Supply of Quality Horticulture Inputs (Plants, Tools & Implements) (SCA to SCSP) |
Application for Subsidy under MEHAK Scheme |
Application for Subsidy for Food Processing Unit (Under MIDH) |
Application for Subsidy under SMAM Scheme |
Application for Subsidy Under Anti Hail Net Scheme |
Application for subsidy under Horticulture Development scheme |
Application for subsidy under Krishi Utpaad Sarankshan Anti Hail net Yojna |
Application for subsidy under Mukhya Mantri Green House Renovation Scheme |
Application For Subsidy Under Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana |
Services related to Import Registration |
Registration for Import of Plant Material by Importer |
Renewal Application for Import of Plant Material by Importer |
Services related to Pesticides |
Issuance of Pesticide License |
Addition of Insecticides In Pesticide License |
Renewal of Pesticide License |
Mushroom related services |
Registration as Mushroom Grower |
Demand & Supply for Mushroom Compost |
Other Services |
Pollination Support in Bee Keeping |
Issuance of Essentiality Certificate |
Request for Fruit Canning |
Crop Insurance |
Technical Advisory Service |
Advisory on Plant Nutrition Through Leaf Analysis |
Grievance related services |
Himachal Pradesh Agriculture Subsidy / Subsidy Calculator
The direct link for subsidy calculator at HP E-Udyan Portal is given here – http://eudyan.hp.gov.in/Department/Portal/SubsidyEligibilityCheck.aspx
The page to know your subsidy at the e Udyan HP Portal will appear as shown below:-
Here applicants can enter the name of scheme, scheme type, type of beneficiary, component type, component name, sub-component to get maximum subsidy eligibility.
Horticulture Schemes List 2022 PDF | बागवानी अनुदान योजनाओं की सूची
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