SBI Branch Code List PDF

There are more than 22,000 branches of State Bank of India. Check below SBI branch code list circle wise, You can use SBI IFSC code for a wire transfer via any mode RTGS, NEFT & IMPS at your convenience

SBI Branch Code List: State Bank of India is an Indian international public sector investment and banking service organization. It is a state-owned establishment and its headquarter is in Mumbai. SBI is the biggest finance services firm in India and it is having more than 20,000 branches and 62,617 ATMs across the country. It also has 229 overseas branches in more than 31 countries worldwide. The last 6 digits of IFSC code written on your SBI checkbook or passbook is the SBI branch code. You can find SBI branch code list by downloading pdf file provided at the end of this article.

State Bank of India is now ranked among the top three banks in India along with ICICI, Punjab National Bank and Bank of Baroda. SBI offers a wide spectrum of banking services and products comprising of personal banking, agricultural banking, NRI services, international banking and corporate services to a diverse clientele. SBI has more than 2.5 lakh employees and 45 crore customers worldwide.

SBI Branch Code List PDF

If you are looking for the State Bank of India IFSC & MICR code of your branch, then you can easily & quickly find it out. Like, if you have an account with State Bank India, then you can see the SBI IFSC Code of your home branch in your cheque book as well as on the front page of your bank passbook. You can use the SBI IFSC code for a wire transfer via any mode RTGS, NEFT & IMPS at your convenience. Similarly you can get SBI MICR code printed on the front page of your bank passbook.

Name of BankState Bank of India
Type of BankPublic Sector Bank
ChairmanDinesh Kumar Khara
Number of BranchesIn India - 22,219
International - 229 (in 31 countries)
Number of ATMS or ADWMs62,617
Number of Customers Worldwide45 crore
Number of Employeesmore than 2.5 lakh
SBI Branch Code6 digit code written on passbook or cheque book
(last 6 digits of IFSC code)
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Official Website
State Bank of India Overview

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