Army Rank List and Insignia of Indian Army

Explore the comprehensive Army rank list and insignia of the Indian Army, detailing commissioned, junior commissioned, and non-commissioned officer ranks.

Army Rank List: The Indian Army serves as the ground force of the Indian Defense Services. The ranks of the Indian Army hold significant pride and honor for its personnel. Aspiring candidates looking to join the Indian Army should understand the growth opportunities tied to the different ranks within the Army.

The Indian Army has established various ranks and categories to enhance administrative efficiency. The ranks are determined by the individual's qualifications, performance, and experience in their respective fields. Below is a complete list of the Indian Army ranks.

Indian Army Rank List

The ranks of the Indian Army can be categorized into three main groups: Commissioned Officers, Junior Commissioned Officers, and Other Ranks. These ranks generally align with those of Western militaries, particularly reflecting the structure of British and Commonwealth armies. Traditional and Western nomenclature is employed for the ranks in the Indian Army.

Indian Army Ranks & Insignia for Commissioned Officers

Below is the Indian Army rank list of commissioned officers, along with their insignia and collar patch descriptions.

Indian Army Rank – Commissioned OfficersInsignia DescriptionCollar Patch
Field MarshalNational emblem over a crossed sword and baton, encircled by a lotus blossom wreath.Crimson patches with five golden stars
GeneralNational emblem above a five-pointed star, overcrossed baton and sabre.Crimson patches with four golden stars
Lieutenant GeneralNational emblem over crossed baton and sabre.Crimson patches with three golden stars
Major GeneralFive-pointed star over crossed baton and sabre.Crimson patches with two golden stars
BrigadierNational emblem above three five-pointed stars arranged in a triangular pattern.Crimson patches with one golden star
ColonelNational emblem above two five-pointed stars.Crimson patches with golden braids
Lieutenant ColonelNational emblem featuring a five-pointed star.
MajorNational emblem.
CaptainThree five-pointed stars.
LieutenantTwo five-pointed stars.
Indian Army Rank List of commissioned officers

List of Indian Army Rank and Insignia for Junior Commissioned Officers

Junior commissioned officers in the Indian Army are equivalent to Group B Gazetted Officers. The ranks for Junior Commissioned Officers are shown below.

Rank of Junior Commissioned OfficersInsignia Description
Subedar MajorGold national emblem with stripe
SubedarTwo Gold stars in one line with a stripe
Naik SubedarOne Gold star with a stripe
Indian Army Rank List for Junior Commissioned Officers

Indian Army Ranks List Non-Commissioned Group

Non-Commissioned ranks in the Indian Army are authorized to wear Chevrons according to the regiment and corps patterns. Below is the list of other ranks.

Indian Army RankInsignia Description
Company Quarter Master Havildar (CQMH)Three stripes and an Ashoka
HavildarThree stripes
NaikTwo stripes
Lance NaikOne stripe
Indian Army Rank List of Non-Commissioned Group

Indian Army Rank List PDF

You can download all ranks abbreviations using the link below:

For more information, please visit the Indian Army's official website at

World's Strongest Army Rank List

According to the Global Firepower Index, India ranks 4th in the list of the world's strongest armies. Below is the list of the top 10 armies worldwide.

RankCountry NameArmy Budget in $ billionArmy Personnel and other details
1United States721.5Army 1,400,000
Tanks 8,848
Aircraft 13,892
Submarines 72
2Russia65.5Army 1,000,000
Tanks 15,398
Aircraft 3,429
Submarines 55
3China178Army 2,333,000
Tanks 9,150
Aircraft 2,860
Submarines 67
4India76.6Army 1,325,000
Tanks 6,464
Aircraft 1,805
Submarines 15
5Japan41.6Army 247,173
Tanks 678
Aircraft 1,613
Submarines 16
6South Korea62.3Army 624,465
Tanks 2,381
Aircraft 1,412
Submarines 13
7France47.3Army 202,761
Tanks 423
Aircraft 1,264
Submarines 10
8United Kingdom42.5Army 146,980
Tanks 407
Aircraft 936
Submarines 10
9Pakistan11.3Army 617,000
Tanks 2,924
Aircraft 914
Submarines 8
10Brazil21.8Army 235,000
Tanks 469
Aircraft 524
World's Strongest Army Rank List

For further information, refer to the: Indian Police Ranks List PDF and Insignia of Gazetted & Non-Gazetted Officers | IPS Officer Rank Insignia.

1 thought on “Army Rank List and Insignia of Indian Army”

  1. I am searching for Indian army job for my sister son. He is age 18.i am requesting to sirs please please send me Indian army vacancies..not for my sister son .all young boys are waiting for Indian army I request to all Indian army sirs send me posts


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