West Bengal government launched Bina Mulya Samajik Suraksha Yojana to waive off the amount of contribution towards the provident fund. The amount of Rs. 25 per month will be made by the state government of West Bengal itself. The objective of launching BM SSY scheme is to reduce the pressure from the shoulders of unorganized workers.
Samajik Suraksha Yojana is one of the great initiatives which has been taken by the governmnet of West Bengal to benefit all the unorganized workers of the state. BM-SSY scheme will help the unorganized worker to reduce the pressure of subscription payment per month.
Bina Mulya Samajik Suraksha Yojana Overview
Name of the scheme | Bina Mulya Samajik Surakha Yojana 2025 |
Launched by | Chief Minister of West Bengal |
Launched on | The year 2017 |
State | West Bengal |
Beneficiaries | Unorganized worker according to the approved list of unorganized industries and self-employed occupations |
Objective | To waive off the amount of contribution |
Benefits | The burden will be removed from the shoulders of unorganized workers |
Contribution Amount | Rs. 25/- per month |
Contribution towards | Provident fund |
The amount will be paid by | State government |
Previously the amount was paid by | The unorganized workers |
Toll-free number | 1800-103-0009 |
Mode of Application | Online |
Official Website | bmssy.wblabour.gov.in / |
Samajik Surakha Yojana Notification | https://wblc.gov.in/samajik-suraksha-yojana |
Bina Mulya Samajik Suraksha Yojana List 2025 search your details
In order to search yours details in West Bengal Bina Mulya Samajik Suraksha Yojana List 2025 follow the steps given below.
Step 1 : Visit Bina Mulya Samajik Suraksha Yojana Government of West Bengal official website
Step 2 : At home page, click on "Search Your Details" tab.
Step 3 : Direct link .
Step 4 : Enter your registration number and click on "Search" button to search your details in Bina Mulya Samajik Suraksha Yojana List of beneficiary.
Samajik Suraksha Yojana Eligibility List
The basic eligibility criteria to avail the benefit of BM-SSY scheme are as follows:-
- An applicant must be a permanent resident of West Bengal state.
- He or she must belong to unorganized workers from the approved list of unorganized industries (46) and self-employed occupations (15).
- The candidate must be a construction or transport worker.
List of Documents Required for SSY Scheme
The important documents to avail the benefits of SSY scheme are mention below:-
- Aadhar Card
- Identity proof
- Date of birth certificate
- Caste certificate
- Ration card
- Income certificate
- Passport size photograph
- Mobile number
List of Unorganized Sector Under Samajik Suraksha Yojana
The below list of workers that are included underBina Mulya Samajik Suraksha Yojana are as follows:-
- Khadi
- Iron foundry
- Hotel and restaurant
- Hoistery
- Handloom
- Garments making
- Forestry and Timber operation
- Footwear
- Decoration
- Dal mill
- Cottage village based cottage industry
- Coir industry
- Clinical nursing homes
- Cinema
- Ceramic
- Cashew processing
- Brassware
- Book binding
- Bonemill
- Boatman service
- Beedi making
- Bakery
- Automobile repairing garage
- Type copying work
- Tailoring industries
- Small scale chemical units
- Small scale engineering units
- Slaughterhouse
- Silk painting
- Shops and establishments (less than 20 workers)
- Sericulture
- Security agencies
- Saw mill
- Rubber and rubber products
- Rice mill including husking Mills
- Printing press
- Power loom
- Plastic industry
- Paper board and straw board manufacturing
- Oil Mill
- Medical plants other Cinchona
- Linesman engage in supply of bakery products
- Leather and leather goods
- Lac industry
Self Employed Person List underSamajik Suraksha Yojana
- Worker of NGOs and person engaged in West Bengal welfare schemes run by the government
- Waste pickers
- Street hawkers including newspaper hawker
- Idol makers
- Headload workers and worker engage in loading and unloading
- Goldsmith smithery and silver Smithrey
- Fisherman
- Domestic servants
- Cycle rickshaw and Van puller
- Cobbler
- Carpenter
- Barbers/ beautician
- Aaya/ attendants in hospital/ nursing homes by the patients
- Land surveyors
Samajik Suraksha Yojana User Manual PDF
Download Bina Mulya Samajik Suraksha Yojana user manual from below link
For any query contact at Toll Free Number : 1800-103-0009
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