Central Government Jobs List in India: The Central Government of India has organized civil service or government jobs mainly into four groups 1. Group A government jobs, 2. Group B government jobs, 3. Group C government jobs and 4. Group D government jobs. In Group A jobs, government employees are appointed at highest management positions in the ministries and theses jobs carry higher administrative responsibilities.
The junior levels of Group A along with Group B Jobs in India constitute middle management level jobs. In Group C posts, employees mainly perform clerical work in ministries and departments and Group D employees are recruited to do maintenance and labour work. Central Government Jobs List in India in given below
Central Government Jobs List in India 2025
Central Government Jobs in India has divided government job services into four group; Group A , Group B , Group C and Group D. This classification is based upon rank, status and level of responsibility of a government job post. Central Government Jobs List in India
- Group A
- Group B
- Group C
- Group D
Group 'A ' is higher administrative job type and they are appointed at higher management positions in the ministries with high pay scale and responsibilities. Group 'B' is executive Non-Gazetted government job type with intermediate pay scale , they do most of supervisory work . Group 'C' is ground staff level job type with supportive and non supervisory job profile. Group 'D' is lowest division of job type with less salary, they do maintenance and labour work, it include job of Driver, Guard, Peon, Barber, Cook etc.
Grade Pay and Salaries of Central Govt. Jobs
All the salaries and grade pay of Central Government employees are decided by a committee Central Pay Commission (CPC). Pay commission is set up by the Indian Government and gives its recommendation regarding the changes in salaries of its employees. The government of India constituted 7th CPC in Sept. 2013 and its recommendations were implemented on 1 Jan 2016.
Under the latest classification based on the 7th Pay Commission and order passed by the Personnel and Training Department (DoPT) Groups are categorize to the Levels under the 7th CPC.
- Group A - 7th CPC Levels 10 to 18
- Group B - 7th CPC Levels 6 to 9
- Group C - 7th CPC Levels 1 to 5
Central Government Jobs List in India with their Pay Scale and Work profile is given below.
Group of Services | Pay Levels | Pay Scale | Name of Services | Work Profile |
Group A (Gazetted) | 10 to 18 | 15600 -39,100/- | Central India Civil Services (IAS, IRS, IPS, IFS, IRTS), IAF/Navy/Army Officers, Engineers, Bureaucrats, Scientists in the organization like DRDO, ISRO, CSIR, BARC. | Higher Administrative, Executive Responsibility, Senior Management Positions in Ministries, |
Group B (Gazetted and Non-Gazetted) | 6 to 9 | 9300 - 34800 /- | Sub- Inspectors, Inspector,Junior Engineer, TGT and PGT School Teachers, Staff Nurse,Translators, Jr. Officers, Technical Assistant, Accountant, Accounts Officers, Instructors,Section Officers. | Middle and Junior Administrative And Executive Responsibility, Middle Management position in the ministries and filed organizations. |
Group C | 1 to 5 | 5200 - 20200 /- | Clerks, Tax assistant, Typist in courts, Stenographer, Primary Teachers, Assistant Sub - Inspector, Store Keeper | Supervisory, Operative task, Render clerical in ministries and field organization. |
Group D | 0 to 1 | 5200 - 20200 /- | Peon, Sweeper, Guard, Cleaner, Gardener, Driver, Barber, Cook, Semi-Skilled Workers. | Operating routine duties. |
Central Government Jobs List with Type of Job, Pay Scale and Pay Level is given below.
Central Government Job | Type of Job | Group | Pay Level | Pay Scale in ₹ |
Secretary (Posts) Director General Postal Services | Gazetted | A | 17 | 225000 (fixed) |
HAG+ Member Postal Services Board AS&FA | Gazetted | A | 16 | 205400-224400 |
HAG CPMG /Sr. DDG/CGM | Gazetted | A | 15 | 182200-224100 |
SAG PMG/DDG/GM (Fin) /Chief Engineer | Gazetted | A | 14 | 144200-218200 |
JAG in NFSG Director / Director Accounts (Postal) / Director MV/ Director (OL)/ Superintending Engineer, CMO (NFSG) | Gazetted | A | 13 | 123100-215900 |
JAG Director/ Director Accounts (Postal)/ Jt. Director, Sr. PPS, Superintending Engineer, Sr. Architect, Joint Director (OL) | Gazetted | A | 12 | 78800-209200 |
STS Sr. Superintendent of Post offices / ADG / Dy. Director, PPS, Exe. Engineer, Dy Architect, Senior Manager MMS, Dy. Director (OL) | Gazetted | A | 11 | 67700-208700 |
JTS Sr. Superintendent of Post offices /ADG / Dy. Director, ACAO, Architect, Manager MMS, AD (OL) | Gazetted | A | 10 | 56100-177500 |
Sr. Accounts Officers | Gazetted | B | 10 | 56100-177500 |
Accounts Officers | Gazetted | B | 9 | 53100-167800 |
Postal Superintendent/Asst. Director/Sr. Postmaster | Gazetted | B | 9 | 53100-167800 |
Section Officer / PS in Directorate | Gazetted | B | 8-10 | 53100-167800 |
Sr. Private Secretary in subordinate offices | Gazetted | B | 8-9 | 47600-151100 |
Assistant Superintendent of Posts, Assistant Accounts Officer | Gazetted | B | 8-9 | 47600-151100 |
Senior Hindi Translator, French Translator | Gazetted | B | 7-8 | 7 44900-142400 |
Assistant Manager (MMS) | Non-Gazetted | B | 7 | 44900-142400 |
Inspector of Posts, Assistant Section Officer(CSS) | Non-Gazetted | B | 7 | 44900-142400 |
HSG-I Postmaster/ Head Record Officer/ Manager RLO/ Head Sorting Assistant / OS in Circle Office | Non-Gazetted | B | 7 | 44900-142400 |
Librarian, Office Superintendent (Civil/Electrical), Statistical Assistant, Sr. Accountant | Non-Gazetted | B | 6 | 35400-112400 |
HSG-II SPM / Dy. PM/ Assistant Project Manger/ Assistant Presidency PM / Accountant/ Manager RLO/ Supervisor Foreign Post/ Section Supervisor in CO/RO/ Record Clerk / Sub Record Officer / Head Sorting Assistant / Assistant Manager PSD / Dy. Manager PSD /Manager PSD/ Head Assistant. PSD, Nasik, Assistant (/Electrical / Civil Div.), Store Officer, Junior Engineer (Civil/Electrical) | Non-Gazetted | B | 6 | 35400-112400 |
Staff Nurse | Non-Gazetted | B | 7 | 44900-142400 |
Steno Gr. I in subordinate offices | Non-Gazetted | B | 6 | 35400-112400 |
Pharmacist (NFSG) | Non-Gazetted | C | 6 | 35400-112400 |
Technical Supervisor (MMS) | Non-Gazetted | C | ||
LSG Dy. Postmaster/ Assistant PM/ Dy.Sub PM,/ Assistant SPM/ SPM/ Public Relation Inspector /Supervisor/ Record Officer / Sub Record Officer / Assistant / Head Sorting Assistant, Section Supervisor in RO/CO / Head Assistant PSD Nasik / Dy. Assistant. Manager / Accountant, Jr. Accountant, Pharmacist | Non-Gazetted | C | 5 | 29200-92300 |
Medical Store Keeper with diploma in Pharmacy & Pharmacists (entry grade) | Non-Gazetted | C | 5 | 29200-92300 |
Technical Postal Assistant Grade- I (Postal Machine Assistant)Grade-I , Reader, Medical Store Keepers (Qualification BSC & below | Non-Gazetted | C | 4 | 25500-81100 |
Driver Special Grade | Non-Gazetted | C | 6 | 35400-112400 |
Driver Grade-I | Non-Gazetted | C | 5 | 29200-92300 |
Driver Grade-II | Non-Gazetted | C | 4 | 25500-81100 |
Driver Grade-III | Non-Gazetted | C | 2 | 19900-63200 |
Postal Assistant, Sorting Assistant, PO & RMS Accountant, Platform Inspector (Time scale), stenographer Grade-III, Time scale clerk / Cashier, Storekeeper, UDC, Physical Training Instructor, Lab Technician | Non-Gazetted | C | 4 | 25500-81100 |
Technical Postal Assistant Grade-II (Postal Machine Assistant) Grade-II), LDC, Lift Operator, Bindery Assistant/Dispatch Rider/Electrician/Turner MMS, Physical Training Instructor | Non-Gazetted | C | 2 | 19900-63200 |
Highly Skilled Artisans Grade-III | Non-Gazetted | C | 2 | 19900-63200 |
Artisan Grade-II | Non-Gazetted | C | 4 | 25500-81100 |
Artisan Grade-I including Charge Hand | Non-Gazetted | C | 5 | 29200-92300 |
Postman / Mail Guard | Non-Gazetted | C | 3 | 21700-69100 |
Caretaker-cum-Khansama, Sorter | Non-Gazetted | D | 1 | 18000-56900 |
Carpenter, Machine man, Binder, Painter, Stamp Vendor, Jamadar , Motor Vehicle Mechanic, Motor Vehicle Electrician, Carpenter, Painter, Jointer, Tyreman, Upholster, Blacksmith, Tin& Copper Smith (Semi-skilled), Dresser(Med), Dresser/NO | Non-Gazetted | D | 1 | 18000-56900 |
Record Keeper MMS | Non-Gazetted | D | 1 | 18000-56900 |
Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) | Non-Gazetted | D | 1 | 18000-56900 |
Group A Jobs List 2025
Central Government Jobs List in India of Group A is given below.
- Central India Civil Services Group A Jobs
- Indian Administrative Services (IAS)
- Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
- Indian Police Services (IPS)
- Indian Engineering Services (IES)
- Indian Foreign Services (IFS)
- Indian P & T Accounts & Finance Service
- Indian Audit and Accounts Service
- Indian Revenue Service (Customs & Indirect Taxes)
- Indian Defense Accounts Service
- Indian Revenue Service (I.T.) or IRS
- Indian Ordnance Factories Service (Assistant Works Manager, Administration)
- Indian Postal Service
- Indian Civil Accounts Service
- Indian Railway Traffic Service
- Indian Railway Accounts Service
- Indian Railway Personnel Service
- Indian Railway Protection Force Service
- Indian Defense Estates Service
- Indian Information Service (Junior Grade)
- Indian Trade Service, Group 'A' (Gr. III)
- Indian Corporate Law Service
- All India Railway Group A Jobs
- Indian Railway Management Service (IRMS)
- Indian Railway Protection Force Service (IRPFS)
- Indian Railway Traffic Service IRTS
- Indian Railways Organized Engineering Services
- Indian Railway Medical Service (IRMS)
- Indian Railway Personnel Service (IRPS)
- Indian Railway Stores Service (IRSS)
- Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineers (IRSME)
- Indian Railway Traffic Service (IRTS)
- Indian Railway Accounts Service (IRAS)
- Indian Railway Service of Engineers (IRSE)
- Indian Railway Service of Electrical Engineers (IRSEE)
- Indian Railway Service of Signal Engineers (IRSSE)
- Indian Railways Prosecution Cadre (Group 'A' Gazetted)
- Other Group A Jobs
- Indian Air force (IAF) Officers
- Navy officers
- Indian Army Officers
- Engineers in PSU Companies and Government Departments
- Bureaucrats and Magistrate above in judicial services
- Audit and Account Officers
- Vice-Chancellors, Assistant Registrars, Principal and Faculty Members in Central and State universities
- Government MBBS Doctors in Central and State Services
- Scientists in the organization like DRDO, ISRO, CSIR, BARC.
- Director, Dy. Director, Secretaries, Assistant Secretaries to Government Ministries
Group B Jobs List 2025
Central Government Jobs List in India of Group B is given below.
- Indian Civil Services Group B Jobs
- Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service (Section Officer's Grade)
- Delhi, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli Civil Service (DANICS)
- Delhi, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli Police Service (DANIPS)
- Pondicherry Civil Service (PONDICS)
- Staff Selection Commission SSC Group B Jobs
- Assistant Audit Officer (Gazetted, Non-Ministerial)
- Assistant Accounts Officer (Gazetted, Non-Ministerial)
- Assistant Section Officer
- Inspector of Income Tax
- Inspector (Central Excise)
- Assistant Enforcement Officer
- Inspector, Sub- Inspectors
- Junior Statistical Officer
- Statistical Investigator Grade-II
- Indian Railways Group B Jobs
- Indian Railways Assistant Engineer (Group B Gazetted)
- Indian Railways Accounts Department (Assistant Financial Adviser or Assistant Divisional Finance Manager) Group B Gazetted
- Indian Railways Assistant Materials Manager (Group 'B' Gazetted)
- Group B Posts of Medical Dept. APO AHEO AHO etc.
- Indian Railways, Assistant Executive Engineer/ Assistant Divisional Engineer, Group B Gazetted
- Indian Railways, Assistant Executive Signal and Telecommunication Engineer or Assistant Divisional Signal and Telecommunication Engineer, Group ‘B’ Gazetted
- Indian Railways Dy. Chief Acct. Officer (Cash & Pay), Chief Cashier & Asst. Chief Cashier
- Indian Railways, Library and Information Officer, Assistant Library and Information Officer
- Railways, Assistant Executive Mechanical Engineer or Assistant Divisional Mechanical Engineer (Group ‘B’, Gazetted)
- Indian Railways Prosecution Cadre (Group 'B' Gazetted)
- Other Group C Jobs
- Junior Engineer
- TGT and PGT School Teachers,
- Staff Nurse, Translators,
- Jr. Officers
- Technical Assistant
- Accountant, Accounts Officers
- Instructors, Section Officers
- Assistant Audit/Account Officer (AAO)
- Assistant Executive Engineers
- JCOs in Armed Forces
- Income Tax and Revenue Officers
- Superintendent of Excise and Customs
- Block Development Officers (BDO)
- Sub Divisional Officer (SDO)
- Officers in State Civil Services
- Income Tax Officers
- Custom/Excise or GST Officers
- Accountants/Head Clerk in Various department
- Nurses in Government hospitals
- Junior Pharmacist
- Senior Stenographer
- Assistant Section Officers in Various Ministries
- Transportation (T&C) Group B
- Assistant Personnel Officer (Group B Gazetted)
Group C Jobs List 2025
Central Government Jobs List in India of Group C is given below in the list.
- Staff Selection Commission SSC Group C Jobs
- Auditor
- Accountant/ Junior Accountant
- Senior Secretariat Assistant/ Upper Division Clerks
- Tax Assistant
- Upper Division Clerks
- Indian Railways Group C jobs
- Assistant Loco Pilot ALP
- Ticket collector
- Clerk
- Goods Guard
- Assistant Station Master
- Traffic Apprentice (TA)
- Junior Accounts Assistant-cum-Typist (JAA)
- Senior Clerk-cum-Typist
- Commercial Apprentice (CA)
- Traffic Assistant
- Enquiry-cum-Reservation Clerk (ECRC)
- Senior Time Keeper
- Commercial Apprentice
- Traffic Assistant
- Other Group C Jobs
- Clerks
- Tax assistant
- Typist in courts
- Stenographer
- Primary Teachers
- Assistant Sub -Inspector
- Store Keeper
Group D jobs List 2025
Central Government Jobs List in India of group D is given below.
- Staff Selection Commission SSC Group D Jobs
- Cabinman
- Fitter
- Gangman
- Pointsman
- Porter
- Keyman
- Peon
- Sweeper
- Switchman
- Trackman
- Shunter
- Welder
- Helper -I and II
- Indian Railways Group D Jobs
- Peon
- Helper
- Assistant
- Trakker
- Trackman
- Gunman
- Other Group D Jobs
- Peon
- Sweeper
- Guard
- Cleaner
- Gardener
- Driver
- Barber
- Cook
- Semi-Skilled Workers.
Central Government Jobs List of Vacancies PDF
There are various types of groups of services for government jobs in India in various pay levels. Before starting preparation for any government job, candidate need to know about the details of Group A, B, C, & D and their respective pay grade of government jobs.
Download Telecommunications vacancies details PDF from below link.
Also Read :
Group 1 Jobs List
List of Upcoming Government Exams 2022
Gazetted Officers List 2022 of India | List of Indian Gazetted Officers Group A and Group B