Haryana ESI Phone Number: The Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948 (ESI Act) was the first significant piece of legislation on social security for workers in independent India. At that time, the industry was just beginning to develop, and the country heavily relied on various imported goods.
The ESI Act provides coverage for various health-related issues that workers may encounter, such as sickness, maternity, temporary or permanent disablement, occupational diseases, or death due to employment injuries, which can lead to a loss of wages or earning capacity.
Haryana ESI Phone Numbers List
Below is the district-wise list of telephone numbers for Haryana ESI services.
Chandigarh Haryana ESI Phone Numbers List
Name | Designation | Landline No | Address |
Dr. Anil Malik | Director | 0172-2751246 | Directorate of ESI Health Care, Haryana |
Ritu (IAS) | Addl. Director | 0172-2735728 | Directorate of ESI Health Care, Haryana |
Vacant | Deputy Director (P&I) | 0172-2738065 | Directorate of ESI Health Care, Chandigarh, Haryana |
Dr. Bhupinder Singh | Deputy Director-II | 0172-2735728 | Directorate of ESI Health Care, Chandigarh, Haryana |
Dr. Sarvajeet Kaur | Medical Inspector | 0172-2735728 | Directorate of ESI Health Care, Chandigarh, Haryana |
Bhiwani and Hisar District Haryana ESI Phone Numbers List
Name | Designation | Mobile No | Address |
Dr. Rahul Diwan | Civil Surgeon | 9416338214 | Civil Surgeon Bhiwani |
Dr. Vasudha Gupta | Medical Superintendent | 9416338214 | ESI Hospital, Bhiwani |
Dr. Savita Khasa | Senior Medical Officer I/c | 9254171100 | ESI Dispensary No.-3, Hisar |
Dr. Anu Punia | Medical Officer I/c | 9466317294 | ESI Dispensary Mayyar |
Dr. Nikhita Dixit | Medical Officer I/c | 8901521066 | ESI Dispensary Hansi |
Dr. Saroj Bala Ranga | Medical Officer I/c | 9991999402 | ESI Dispensary No.3 Bhiwani |
Haryana Faridabad and Palwal District ESI Hospital Contact Numbers List
Name | Designation | Phone No. | Address |
Dr. Aneeta Khosla | 9811004957 | Civil Surgeon, Faridabad | |
Dr. Puneet Bansal | Medical Superintendent | 0129-2303155 | ESI Hospital, sec-8, FBD |
Dr. Anjli Sachdeva | Medical Officer I/c | 9840685413 | ESI Dispensary No.1, FBD |
Dr. Pooja Bhardwaj | Medical Officer I/c | 9810336675 | ESI Dispensary No.2, FBD |
Dr. Seema Arora | Medical Officer I/c | 9811292526 | ESI Dispensary No.3, FBD |
Dr. Sunita Indora | Medical Officer I/c | 9868307451 | ESI Dispensary No.4, FBD |
Dr. Suman Panwar | Medical Officer I/c | 9868069696 | ESI Dispensary No. 5, FBD |
Dr. Vijay Jayant | Medical Officer I/c | 9210975437 | ESI Dispensary No.6, FBD |
Dr. Brijesh Khari | Medical Officer I/c | 9811120866 | ESI Dispensary No.7, FBD |
Dr. Virender Singh | Medical Officer I/c | 9416634615 | ESI Dispensary Palwal |
Gurugram and Rewari ESI Dispensary Phone Numbers List
Name | Designation | Mobile No | Address |
Dr. Anjali Sachdeva | Civil Surgeon | 9810685413 | ESI Dispensary No. 1, Gurugram |
Dr. Rajiv Khudania | Medical Officer | 9911814777 | ESI Dispensary No. 2, Gurugram |
Dr. Nidhi Jain | Senior Medical Officer | 9971960101 | ESI Dispensary Palam Vihar |
Dr. Deepak | Medical Officer | 9870108285 | ESI Dispensary No. 3, Gurgaon |
Dr. Harvinder Kaur | Medical Officer | 8178586280 | ESI Dispensary Daulatabad |
Dr. Sangeeta Chawla | Senior Medical Officer | 9899265702 | ESI Dispensary Kanhai |
Dr. Mohinder Singh | Senior Medical Officer | 8283875566 | ESI Dispensary Kherkidaula |
Dr. Naveen Kumar | Medical Officer | 9711519395 | ESI Dispensary Binola |
Dr. Manish Gupta | Medical Officer | 9416064282 | ESI Dispensary Manesar |
Dr. Ramniwas Dahiya | Senior Medical Officer | 9911256722 | ESI Dispensary New Dharuhera |
Dr. Sunil Kumar | Medical Officer | 8053530073 | ESI Dispensary No. 1 Rewari |
Haryana ESI Phone Numbers list of Karnal, Yamuna Nagar, Panipat and Ambala District
Name | Designation | Landline No | Address |
Dr. Ravinder Kumar | Civil Surgeon (Officiating) | 0184-220305 | Civil Surgeon Karnal, Haryana |
Dr. Nisha Bansal | Medical Superintendent | 01732-227640 | ESI Hospital, Yamuna Nagar |
Dr. Shalu Gupta | Medical Officer I/c | 01732-241227 | ESI Disp No. 2, Jagadhri |
Dr. Sujata | Medical Officer I/c | 01732-222640 | ESI Disp., No. 3 Jagaddhri |
Dr. Ravinder Sharma | Medical Officer I/c | 01732-238008 | ESI Disp NO.6 Jagadhri |
Dr. Ritu Dhara | Medical Officer I/c | 01732-258179 | ESI Disp No. 7, Jagadhri, Yamuna Nagar |
Dr. Shiv Kumar | Medical Superintendent | 0180-2697953 | ESI Hospital, Panipat |
Dr. Alka Girotra | Medical Officer I/c | 0184-2203692 | ESI Dispensary Karnal |
Dr. Sanandan Mainwal | Medical Officer I/c | 0171-2557883 | ESI Dispensary Ambala City |
Haryana ESI Phone Number List PDF
Download the PDF list of Haryana ESI Phone Numbers from the link below.
For assistance, contact the Directorate ESI Healthcare at:
Address: SCO 803, NAC Manimajra, Chandigarh
Phone: 0172 - 2751246, 0172 - 2735728
Email: esi@hry.nic.in
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Haryana Government Panel Hospital List for 2025 | Updated List of New Approved Empanelled Private and Govt. Hospitals

श्रीमान/ श्रीमती जी,
सविनय निवेदन यह है की मैं संजीव कुमार सुपुत्र श्री ज्ञान चंद टोकन नंबर T -238 , कंपनी OSAW INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS PVT LTD – अम्बाला कैंट में एक स्टोर हेल्पर के पद पर साल 2014
से नौकरी कर रहा हूँ । वर्ष 2017 -2018 में मुझे ज्यादा बीमार हो जाने की वजह से कुछ समय के लिए
कंपनी से छुट्टी लेकर के ESI के माध्यम से अस्पताल में दाखिल रहना पड़ा था। उस दौरान के मेरे इलाज के
लिए किये गए खर्चों के बिल मैंने 15 दिसंबर 2018 को ESI ऑफिस करनाल में भेजे थे , लेकिन बहुत समय बीत जाने के बाद मेरी जमा की गयी खर्चों की फाइल वापिस आ गयी थी जिसे मैंने पिछले 15 -20 दिन पहले दोबारा आपके करनाल ऑफिस भेज दिया है। अतएव कृपया मेरी फाइल पर जल्दी से जल्दी कार्यवाही करने की कृपा करे।, क्योंकि मैं बहुत गरीब व्यक्ति हूँ और मैंने उस वक़्त इलाज के लिए कई लोगों से उधार लिया था जिसे मैंने अभी भी वापिस नहीं किया है।
मेरा INSURANCE नंबर 2416465648 है।
नाम :- संजीव कुमार
टोकन नंबर – T -238
पता :- सुपुत्र श्री ज्ञान चंद
गांव- रजौली , डाक खाना – बधौली
तहसील – नारायणगढ़ , जिला -अम्बाला
हरियाणा -134203
मोबाइल नंबर – 8397031268