Linux Commands List

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Linux Commands List: Linux commands is a popular alternative to Microsoft Windows, and if you choose to use this low-cost or free operating system, you need to know some basic Linux commands to configure, operate, and interact with your system smoothly.

Understanding the most basic Linux commands will allow you to successfully navigate directories, manipulate files, change permissions, display information such as disk space, and more. The basic knowledge of the most common commands will help you easily execute tasks via the command line in Linux. When dealing with the Linux operating system, commands are required as inputs to inform or direct a computer program to perform a specific operation. Linux Commands List is given below.

Linux Commands List

Basic Linux Commands list with description is given below in the table.

cat [filename]Display file’s contents to the standard output device
(usually your monitor).
cd /directorypathChange to directory.
chmod [options] mode filenameChange a file’s permissions.
chown [options] filenameChange who owns a file.
clearClear a command line screen/window for a fresh start.
cp [options] source destinationCopy files and directories.
date [options]Display or set the system date and time.
df [options]Display used and available disk space.
du [options]Show how much space each file takes up.
file [options] filenameDetermine what type of data is within a file.
find [pathname] [expression]Search for files matching a provided pattern.
grep [options] pattern [filesname]Search files or output for a particular pattern.
kill [options] pidStop a process. If the process refuses to stop, use kill -9 pid.
less [options] [filename]View the contents of a file one page at a time.
ln [options] source [destination]Create a shortcut.
locate filenameSearch a copy of your filesystem for the specified
lpr [options]Send a print job.
ls [options]List directory contents.
man [command]Display the help information for the specified command.
mkdir [options] directoryCreate a new directory.
mv [options] source destinationRename or move file(s) or directories.
passwd [name [password]]Change the password or allow (for the system administrator) to
change any password.
ps [options]Display a snapshot of the currently running processes.
pwdDisplay the pathname for the current directory.
rm [options] directoryRemove (delete) file(s) and/or directories.
rmdir [options] directoryDelete empty directories.
ssh [options] user@machineRemotely log in to another Linux machine, over the network.
Leave a ssh session by typing exit.
su [options] [user [arguments]]Switch to another user account.
tail [options] [filename]Display the last n lines of a file (the default is
tar [options] filenameStore and extract files from a tarfile (.tar) or tarball (.tar.gz or .tgz).
topDisplays the resources being used on your system. Press q to
touch filenameCreate an empty file with the specified name.
who [options]Display who is logged on.
Linux Commands List

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