RTE Tamil Nadu Admission List 2023-24

There is 25 % reservation in RTE Admission under Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education. Check below RTE Tamil Nadu Admission List 2023-24 and Tamil Nadu rte.tnschools.gov.in School List 2023-24

RTE Tamil Nadu Admission List 2023-24 : Department of School Education of Tamil Nadu has published a notice regarding the RTE admission 2023-24. The application for RTE admission 2023-24 will start from 20 April 2023 to 18 May 2023. The parents of children belong to Weaker Section ((WS) and Disadvantaged Group (DG) can apply for admission to pre- Nursery and first class under Right to Education of free and compulsory education upto age of 14 years (upto 8th class).

It has also released a list of schools for admission in pre-nursery, nursery and first class under RTE Act 2009. Under Right to Education Act (RTE-Act 2009) or Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education, children of poor families in the age group of 6 to 14 years are provided free education. There are 25% seats reserved for RTE school admissions. The parents of students who have applied for RTE Tamil Nadu Admission 2023-24, now can check selection list released by Department of School Education of Tamil Nadu at its official website rte.tnschools.gov.in. Also you can check RTE Tamil Nadu Admission rejected list and RTE Tamil Nadu school list

RTE Tamil Nadu Admission List 2023-24

Name of Department Department of School Education
StateTamil Nadu
Admission RTE Tamil Nadu Admission
Act Name Children to Free and Compulsory Education
(Right to Education Act 2009)
RTE Application CategoryWS (Weaker Section)
DG (Disadvantaged Section)
Age Limit 3 to 6.5 Years
Class Pre-Nursery, Nursery and First
RTE Application Start Date20 April 2023
RTE Application End Date18 May 2023
RTE Tamil Nadu Admission Result and Merit List May 2023
Tamil Nadu RTE School List PDF Tamil Nadu School List 2023-24
Official Websiterte.tnschools.gov.in
RTE Tamil Nadu Admission List 2023-24 Overview

How to Apply for Tamil Nadu RTE Admission 2023-24

The complete step by step process to apply RTE application for admission to Private Schools under the provisions of Right To Education Act,2009 Section 12.1(c) is given below.

Step 1: To apply for Tamil Nadu RTE Admission, first you need to visit Department of School Education official website at URL https://tnschools.gov.in/

Step 2: At the home of official website go to ACT and GOS section and select "Right to Education Act"

Step 3: At Right to Education Act web page look for "RTE Admission Application" button and click on it. A new page will open on your screen, here read all instruction regarding filling RTE application form.

Step 4: Now click on "Start Application" button and fill personal details like name of child, gender, date of birth, religion, community, mobile number and password and click on save button. You will get a confirmation msg on your mobile number.

Step 5 : Now login with your Application number and Password you received on your mobile number and fill Parents details like father name, father profession, income of parents and category of applying RTE admission.

Step 6 : Now fill your address details and select district and click save, in next step upload required document and click save button.

Step 7: Finally select schools from list of schools offering RTE admission 2023-24 near you and click submit button. your application will be submitted for RTE school admissions. Now you have to wait for allotment of school and Tamil Nadu RTE Admission lottery result 2023.

How to Check TN RTE Merit List 2023 and Lottery Result 2023-24

Step 1: First visit official website of Tamil Nadu School Education Department for RET School Admission 2023-204 https://rte.tnschools.gov.in/.
Step 2: Now go to student section and click on the RTE 1st provisional selection list 2023 link.
Step 3: You can directly follow the link https://rte.tnschools.gov.in/home there enter your application Number, DOB and then click login button.
Step 4: Now you can check the school name, name & other details. You can download or take print out for future use.

RTE Tamil Nadu Admission 2023-24

The direct link to apply for RTE admission 2023 under Right to Education of Free and Compulsory Education in age group of 3 years to 14 years to Private Schools under the provisions of Right To Education Act,2009 Section 12.1(c) is given below.

RTE Tamil Nadu Admission 2023-24 Application Apply Now