Bengal Self Help Group and Self Employment Schemes List 2022, the state government of West Bengal has launched a large number of schemes for self help groups to promote women among the society. In this article we will tell you about the complete list of schemes launched by CM Mamata Banerjee led WB Self Help Group & Self Employment Department.
The Department of SHG &SE was set up in July 2006 by an amendment in the West Bengal Rule of Business (Notification no. 196 Home(Cons.) R2R (Cons.)-10/06 dt. 12/07/2006. address of office: Department of Self Help Group & Self Employment, EAST INDIA HOUSE (1st Floor), 20B, Abdul Hamid Street, Kolkata-700 069. Self Employment Schemes of West Bengal is given below.
WB Self Help Group and Self Employment Schemes List
Self Help Group and Self Employment Schemes List is given below.
S.No | Scheme |
1 | Swami Vivekananda Swanirbharkarmasansthan Prakalpa (SVSKP) |
2 | West Bengal Swanirbhar Sahayak Prakalpa (WBSSP) |
3 | Skill Development Training of SHG members and entrepreneurs |
4 | Organizing of Fair & Exhibitions |
5 | Construction of Training-cum Marketing Complexes (Karmatirtha) under state plan |
6 | Personal Accident Insurance Scheme for SHGs |
7 | Muktidhara (Sustainable Livelihood Project) |
Complete Details of West Bengal Self Help Group and Self Employment Schemes List
1. Swami Vivekananda Swanirbhar Karmasansthan Prakalpa (SVSKP):
Scheme implemented by- West Bengal Swarojgar Corporation Ltd. (WBSCL),
The flagship scheme "Swami Vivekananda Swanirbhar Karmasansthan Prakalpa" (SVSKP) all over the state to create self-employment opportunities for unemployed youth including members of backward classes, minorities and women all over the State. Unemployed youths on fulfilment of certain criteria laid down in the scheme are helped out to start individually or group enterprises with bank finance. Maximum govt. subsidy of ₹1.5 lakh for individual and Rs.3.5 lakh for group of five and above representing 30% of the project cost is provided by West Bengal Swarojgar Corporation Ltd. (WBSCL). For individual, it is called ‘Atma Maryada' and the same for a group is called ‘Atma Samman'.
The main objective of the scheme was to generate self-employment in the state. The unemployed are identified and wherever possible are trained before they come up with their projects for institutional finance whereby subsidy is provided to the entrepreneurs by state government. With the advent of the new govt. in the state, certain primal modifications have been brought into the scheme.
While the quantum of subsidy has been raised from 20% to 30%. Strikingly, the scheme has been named after the youth icon of India Swami Vivekananda and has been renamed as ‘Swami Vivekananda Swanirbhar Karmasansthan Prakalpa' since 19.09.2012. More stress has been given on training, especially on trades where the locally available abundant raw materials, wasted due to ignorance, could be utilized for producing finer articles and on traditional crafts where there is sufficient potential.
2. West Bengal Swanirbhar Sahayak Prakalpa (WBSSP):
Scheme implemented by- West Bengal Swarojgar Corporation Ltd. (WBSCL)
In order to provide relief to the interest burden on the bank loan availed by the Self Help Groups (SHGs), the state government has introduced the West Bengal Swanirbhar Sahayak Prakalpa (WBSSP) scheme. According to this scheme from 01/04/2014 the government shall provide an interest subsidy to the eligible SHGs on a portion of the interest charged by commercial, regional rural and co-operative banks on the bank loan.
Considering that the bank is charging interest @11% p.a. on the loan component of SHG, the government shall subsidize interest component of the loan @9% p.a. and the beneficiary has to pay the rest part i.e., @2% per annum. In order to streamline the system, it has been decided by the government that the banks will submit the claim of subsidy electronically to West Bengal Swarojgar Corporation Ltd, who will verify the claims and make e-payment directly to the accounts of the eligible SHGs through RTGS/NEFT.
3. Skill Development Training of SHG members and entrepreneurs
With a view to create employment opportunity, upgrading the skill, developing qualitative standard of the products of self-employment enterprises, the Department of SHG & SE has been organizing training programmes on various trades through
- District level functionaries
- West Bengal Swarojgar Corporation Ltd. (WBSCL).
Several no of trainings have been imparted on the following subject :
Tailoring, Soft Toy making, Zori Craft, Floriculture, Jute Products manufacturing, Goat Farming, Computer Applications, Marketing, Handmade Paper Bag making, Napkin Making, Vermi Compost Production, Organic Farming, Industrial Hand Gloves making, Ornamental Candle making, Agarbatti making etc.
Thrust for Training in Jungal Mahal areas of the State :
With a view to create employment opportunity and to develop qualitative standard of the products of the SHGs, special training programmes have been organized in 23 blocks of 3 districts, namely Purulia, Bankura, Paschim Medinipur in JangalMahal. Trainings have been imparted on Production of Herbal Dye from flowers, Dry Flowers making, making varied products from Babui Grass, making Quilt from Hen Feather, Plates for Sal Leaves, Eucalyptus Oil extracting, Designer Musk making, Articles from Lac etc.
4. Organizing of Fair & Exhibitions
Fairs & Exhibitions are organized on regular basis to open up avenues for marketing the products of self-employed entrepreneurs & to establish their linkages with potential buyers apart from publicizing and creating awareness regarding quality, prices, and usefulness of the products of the SVSKP Entrepreneurs. The department organizes state level, Kolkata Sabala Mela and district level Sabala Mela.
The SHGs not only succeeded in selling their merchandise considerably but also a majority of them succeeded in establishing links with some business houses, whole sellers & eminent persons of the marketing world for future sale of their products through them all the year round. Dissemination of knowledge amongst the common people related to SHGs and SEs & their products including niche products was also a major objective. Cultural programmes were also held every evening to make this fair more attractive.
The Department aimed at enabling the SHGs and entrepreneurs to have access to the market both domestic/national and international. Judging from the comments and reactions of general public as well as visiting dignitaries, it could be said that the Mela was a thumping success.
A few selected SHGs & individual entrepreneurs take part in India International trade fair every year wherein the products specially the innovative ones manufactured by the SHGs and self employed entrepreneurs were adored & purchased by Buyers from all cross sections of the society of Indian capital city and also by buyers from outside the country. Apart from this, a large no. of SHGs take part in the fairs organized by different state govt. departments and various fairs organized by NGOs etc.
5. Construction of Training-cum Marketing Complexes (Karmatirtha) under state plan
This department has undertaken a programme of setting up of projects of training-cum-marketing complex (KARMATIRTHA) in the districts and sub-divisional headquarters under State Plan to facilitate training of SHGs for Skill Development and for marketing of their products.
6. Personal Accident Insurance Scheme for SHGs
The state govt. has undertaken an initiative - "Samajsathi" a personal accident insurance scheme for SHG members of the state. The task in this regard has been entrusted to the SHG & SE department as the nodal department and WBSCL as the implementing agency. The department entrusted two insurance companies namely National Insurance Company Ltd. & Cholamandalam MS General Insurance Company Ltd. to provide accidental insurance benefit to the SHG members.
- Target Group – SHG Members
- Age limit – 18-60 years
- Rs.2 lakh for accidental death & permanent total disablement.
- Rs.1,50,000/- (maximum) for partial permanent disablement.
- Rs.60,000/- (maximum) for hospitalization for accidental medical treatment.
- Rs.5,000/- (maximum) on accidental outdoor medical treatment (Day Care).
- Rs.2500/- for funeral expenses for accidental death over & above of the Principal Amount.
7. Muktidhara (Sustainable Livelihood Project)
The department undertook a sustainable livelihood project named ‘Muktidhara' during 2012-13. It has been initially implemented in Purulia & Paschim Medinipur district, to create and maintain sustainable livelihood of SHG members as to alleviate their poverty and to develop them economically. The project is being implemented in association with NABARD. The project is going to be implemented in 7 more districts of the State namely Howrah, Hooghly, N. 24 Parganas, S. 24 Parganas, Nadia, Murshidabad and Burdwan.
For details of WB Self Help Group and Self Employment Schemes List visit West Bengal Govt. official website
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