Thane Police Bharti Merit List: The Maharashtra Police Department has announced the merit list for the Thane Police Bharti 2025. Candidates who participated in the written examination for the Maharashtra Police Constable Recruitment can check their marks uploaded by the Thane City Police and Thane Rural Police. The Thane Police Bharti recruitment board has released the provisional selection list and merit list for the positions of police constable and police driver constable. Candidates can verify their names in the provisional merit list for the final document verification process.
The Commissioner of Police, Thane City Police, has published the PDF of the police constable written exam marks list and the merit list on the official website Candidates can find their names and check their marks in the written exam for the Maharashtra police recruitment. There are a total of 521 vacancies for police constables in the Thane city police department and 68 vacancies for police constables in the Thane rural police department. The final merit list and waiting list for the police constable recruitment will be created based on the total marks obtained in the ground test, written test, and NCC certificate marks (if applicable).
Thane Police Bharti Merit List 2025
The Thane Rural Police Recruitment Board has published the provisional selection and waiting lists for police constable and driver police constable recruitment. Candidates can check their names in the police constable waiting list PDF and the selection list uploaded by the Thane City and Thane Rural police departments.
Department | Department of Maharashtra Police |
District | Thane City Police |
Exam | Maharashtra Police Constable Recruitment 2025 |
Post | Police Constable and Police Driver |
Vacancy Details | Thane City - 521 Thane Gramin - 68 |
Thane Police Bharti Answer Key (Police Constable) | Answer Key |
Thane Police Bharti Marks List (Police Constable) | Marks List PDF |
Thane City Police Constable Provisional Selection List and Waiting List 2025 (Police Constable) | Provisional Selection List PDF |
Thane Rural Driver Police Bharti - Written Exam Marks List | Marks List PDF |
Thane Rural Police Constable Provisional Selection List and Waiting List PDF (Police Constable) | Provisional Selection List and Waiting List PDF |
Thane Rural Driver Police Constable Provisional Selection List and Waiting List PDF (Police Driver) | Provisional Selection List and Waiting List PDF |
Thane Police Bharti Merit List 2025 (Final) | Available Soon |
Official Website for Thane City Police | |
Official Website for Thane Rural Police | |
पोलीस शिपाई भरती २०२१ - सुधारित उत्तर तालिका (Revised Answer Key)
— Thane City Police -ठाणे शहर पोलीस (@ThaneCityPolice) April 4, 2023
How To Download Thane Police Bharti Merit List
Step 1: Visit the official website of Thane Police Commissionerate
Step 2: On the homepage, navigate to the latest updates section and click on the button labeled "See All Updates".
Step 3: In the latest notifications, search for "Thane Police Bharti Merit List 2025" and click on the corresponding link.
Step 4: The PDF file containing the merit list and marks of the written exam will download to your device. Open this PDF file to check your name.
Step 5: Print the cut-off list and your name from the PDF for your reference.
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Mumbai Police Bharti Merit List 2025 PDF – मुंबई पुलिस भरती योग्यता क्रमसूची

plz show mi merrit list thane city police 2023