India Post GDS merit list 2025 will be announced by Department of Posts Ministry of Communication, Government of India on its online web portal for India Post GDS Recruitment 2023. The applicants who have applied for the post of Gramin Dak Sevak and Branch Postmaster (BPM) now can can check GDS 2023 result and GDS merit list of shortlisted candidates for document verification against Post GDS Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) as BPM/ABPM/Dak Sevak recruitment of 40,889 vacancies.
The selection for India Post GDS (Gramin Dak Sevak) will be made as per the system generated merit list based on marks obtained by candidates in 10th class board exams and the preference of posts submitted. This shall be subject to fulfilling of all eligibility criteria as per the rules. Download PDF of merit list of selected candidates for the post of India Post Office GDS as BPM, ABPM and Dak Sevak
India Post GDS Recruitment 2023
Post Ministry of communication has released notification for recruitment of India Post GDS Garmin Dak Sevak 40,889 vacancies in all states and Union Territories of India. Online application for the India Post GDS has started from 27 January 2023 and Last date for Application submit is 16 February 2023.
Department | Department of Posts (Ministry of Communication Government of India) |
Post | 1. India Post GDS Dak Sevak (GDS) 2. Branch Postmaster(BPM) 3. Assistant Branch Postmaster(ABPM) 4. Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) |
Category | Civil posts (but outside of regular civil services of Union of India) |
India Post GDS Vacancies | Total Posts 40,889 breakdown category wise is listed below UR 18122 OBC 8285 SC 6020 ST 3476 EWS 3955 PWD-A 292 PWD-B 290 PWD-C 362 PWD-DE 87 |
Application Start Date | 27 January 2023 |
Application End Date | 16 February 2023 |
Application Mode | Online |
Selection Process | Merit-based |
India Post GDS Result 2025 | Click Here |
India Post GDS Merit List 2025 | Click Here |
India Post GDS 2nd Merit List 2023 | India Post GDS Second Merit List 2023 State Wise |
Official Website | |
India Post GDS Merit List 2025
The Indian Post GDS Merit List is a transparent and objective way of selecting candidates for the post of GDS. It ensures that only the most deserving candidates are selected for the job. The merit list is prepared by considering various factors such as the number of vacancies, the number of applicants, and the marks obtained by the candidates.
Candidates who make it to the Indian Post GDS merit list are called for further rounds of selection, which include document verification and personal interviews. Once the selection process is complete, the selected candidates are offered the post of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS), Branch Postmaster(BPM), Assistant Branch Postmaster(ABPM) and in various parts of the country.
How to Check India Post GDS Result and Merit List 2025
India Post GDS Result 2025 merit list will be uploaded on the official website of India Post Ministry of Communication Follow these simple steps to check result of India Post GDS and merit list of India Post GDS Recruitment 2023.
STEP 1 : First visit the official website of India Post Ministry of communication or Direct Link
STEP 2 : Then look for result column In the left side of home page of GDS web portal for Post GDS Recruitment 2023. Now click on result button.
STEP 3 : Now download the Post GDS merit list 2025 PDF of the result by selecting the state name list from drop down list.
STEP 4 : Search your registration number in the PDF of India Post GDS merit list 2025.
Note: The candidates shortlisted provisionally must report for document verification along with below mentioned original documents and two sets of self attested photocopies of each documents.
List of Documents for India Post GDS Recruitment Document Verification
- Identify Proof: Aadhar Card, Pan Card, Driving Licence or Voter Id Card
- Original date of Birth Certificate.
- 10th class original marks sheet and passing certificate.
- Original community or cast certificate for reserved category candidates.
- Residence certificate or Domicile certificate.
- Medical certificate issued by medical officer of any government hospital or dispensaries primary health centre.
- Original Transgender certificate
- Original PWD certificate. Merit List PDF State Wise
India Post GDS result 2023 for DV merit list PDF of shortlisted candidate for document verification is given below state wise.
Name of State | GDS DV List 2022 |
Uttarakhand GDS DV List 2023 | Download PDF |
Assam GDS DV List 2023 | Download PDF |
Bihar GDS DV List 2023 | Download PDF |
Chhattisgarh GDS DV List 2023 | Download PDF |
Delhi GDS DV List 2023 | Download PDF |
Gujarat GDS DV List 2023 | Download PDF |
Haryana GDS DV List 2023 | Download PDF |
Himachal Pradesh GDS DV List 2023 | Download PDF |
Jammu & Kashmir GDS DV List 2023 | Download PDF |
Jharkhand GDS DV List 2023 | Download PDF |
Karnataka GDS DV List 2023 | Download PDF |
Kerala GDS DV List 2023 | Download PDF |
Madhya Pradesh GDS DV List 2023 | Download PDF |
Maharashtra GDS DV List 2023 | Download PDF |
North East GDS DV List 2023 | Download PDF |
Odisha GDS DV List 2023 | Download PDF |
Punjab GDS DV List 2023 | Download PDF |
Rajasthan GDS DV List 2023 | Download PDF |
Tamil Nadu GDS DV List 2023 | Download PDF |
Telangana GDS DV List 2023 | Download PDF |
Uttar Pradesh GDS DV List 2023 | Download PDF |
Andhra Pradesh GDS DV List 2023 | Download PDF |
West Bengal GDS DV List 2023 | Download PDF |
Selection Process for India Post GDS Merit List 2025
- Selection will be made as per the system generated merit list based on the merit position of the candidate and the preference of posts submitted. This shall be subject to fulfilling of all eligibility criteria as per the rules.
- Notice for documents verification will be sent only to the most suitable candidate for the post based on merit and preference submitted.
- Provisionally selected candidate while attending to the Documents verification, the candidate has to come along with original documents and one set of photo copies for submission. Adequate time will be given to selected candidate to report with original certificates for verification. If the verification is successful, provisional engagement order will be given. Else, the next candidate in merit will get the system generated email/SMS.
- The provisional engagement letter will be issued through email and notified through SMS. In case there is no response within the given time in the said provisional engagement letter, a final reminder through email, sms and Registered Post will be sent giving additional time to report for joining. If there is still no response, the candidature shall be cancelled.
- No weightage will be given for higher educational qualification. Only marks obtained in 10th standard of approved Boards aggregated to percentage to the accuracy of 4 decimals will be the criteria for finalizing the selection. Passing of all the subjects as per the respective approved board norms is mandatory. However, the merit calculation will be made on the score of the subjects for which merit is considered as per the Board.
- For applicants with equal marks inn 10th std, their total marks will be worked out by taking into account the marks obtained in the compulsory and elective/optional subjects (other than extra subjects if any).
- For applicants having both Total Marks and Grading Point (i.e. mark list issued with total marks and grading point both) in such cases the method used will be as follows “The candidate’s total marks will be worked out while ignoring the Grading Point; this methodology will ensure that candidate possessing higher marks will be selected.”
- For candidates having grades subject-wise, marks will be arrived for each subject (compulsory and elective subjects but not extra subjects), by applying the multiplying factor of 9.5 in the following manner: In case of the marks lists containing the Grades/Points, marks will be reckoned by taking conversion of Grades and points with the multiplication factor (9.5) against the maximum points or grade as 100.
- Where Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is also provided, the marks will be arrived at by multiplying the CGPA by 9.5. Where individual grades in each subject as well as CGPA is given, the higher of the two marks will be taken. Where two or more candidates have equal marks, the candidate having the higher age (older candidate) will be given preference.
- Candidates having both marks and grades in the marks list have to apply with marks only. In case any candidate applies with grades only his application will be liable for disqualification.
- In case candidates get the same marks, the merit order would be taken as DOB (higher age as merit), ST trans-woman, ST female, SC trans-woman, SC female, OBC trans-woman, OBC female, EWS transwoman, EWS female, UR trans-woman, UR female, ST trans-male, ST Male, SC trans-male, SC Male, OBC trans-male, OBC male, EWS transmale, EWS male, UR trans-male, UR male.
- If a candidate opts for five posts with preference post 1, post 2, post 3, post 4, post 5. If a candidate is selected as meritorious in more than one post, then post in the order of preference will be offered. The candidature for all the remaining posts will be forfeited.
- Applications submitted without complete data will be rejected. In case a candidate uploads wrong documents/information and unnecessary documents, candidature will be rejected. Similarly in case the candidate enters marks erroneously either high or low with reference to marks list uploaded, the candidature will be rejected at the time of document verification.
Eligibility Criteria for India Post GDS
There are following eligibility criteria for India Post GDS (Gramin Dak Sevak).
- Qualification
- Mandatory education qualification for all approved categories of India Post GDS is 10th passed with Mathematics and English as compulsory or elective subject.
- Candidate must posses Secondary School Examination pass certificate (10th) from any recognized board of School education by the Government of India/State Government/Union territories in India.
- Age
- Minimum Age: 18 Years
- Maximum age : 40 years
- Age will calculated as on last date of submission of application i.e 16 February 2023.
- Age relaxation in upper age limit for different categories SC/ST- 5 years, OBC- 3 years, PwD - 10 years, PwD + OBC- 13 years, PwD+SC/ST-15 years.
- No age relaxation for EWS candidates.
- Compulsory knowledge of Local language
- Candidate should have studied the local language at least up to 10th standard as compulsory or elective subject.
- Local Languages include : Telugu, Hindi, Assamese/Asomiya, Bodo, Bengali/Bangla, Gujarati, English,Urdu, Kannada, Malayalam, Konkani/Marathi,Manipuri,Mizo,Oriya,Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu,Nepali.
- Knowledge of Cycling
- Candidate should have knowledge of riding a scooter or motor cycle.
- For all India Post GDS posts, Knowledge of cycling is pre-requisite condition.
- Candidate has to submit a declaration for the same (as per Annexure -III)
- Adequate alternate means of Livelihood
- Candidate shall have adequate alternate means of Livelihood to support himself/herself and his/her family from other sources so as to supplement his/her income.
- Knowledge of Computer
- Candidate must not be holding an elective office.
- Past experience or service of any kind will not be considered for selection in India Post GDS.
Vacancy Detail of India Post GDS State-Wise
Division of posts of India Post GDS is based upon State and their local language. There are total 34 division for India Post GDS. The candidate is allowed to apply for only one division in any one circle he/she is eligible. Download PDF of final post consolidation of India Post GDS from link.
S.NO | Name of Circle | Local Language | Total Vacancy |
1 | Andhra Pradesh | Telugu | 2480 |
2 | Assam | Assamese | 355 |
3 | Assam | Bengali | 36 |
4 | Assam | Bodo | 16 |
5 | Bihar | Hindi | 1461 |
6 | Chhattisgarh | Hindi | 1593 |
7 | Delhi | Hindi | 46 |
8 | Gujarat | Gujarati | 2017 |
9 | Haryana | Hindi | 354 |
10 | Himachal Pradesh | Hindi | 603 |
11 | Jammu and Kashmir | Hindi/Urdu | 300 |
12 | Jharkhand | Hindi | 1590 |
13 | Karnataka | Kannada | 3036 |
14 | Kerala | Malayalam | 2462 |
15 | Madhya Pradesh | Hindi | 1841 |
16 | Maharashtra | Konkani/Marathi | 94 |
17 | Maharashtra | Marathi | 2414 |
18 | North Eastern | Bengali | 201 |
19 | North Eastern | Hindi/English | 395 |
20 | North Eastern | Manipuri/English | 209 |
21 | North Eastern | Mizo | 118 |
22 | Odisha | Oriya | 1382 |
23 | Punjab | Punjabi | 06 |
24 | Punjab | Hindi/English | 760 |
25 | Rajasthan | Hindi | 1684 |
26 | Tamilnadu | Tamil | 3167 |
27 | Telangana | Telugu | 1266 |
28 | Uttar Pradesh | Hindi | 7987 |
29 | Uttarakhand | Hindi | 889 |
30 | West Bengal | Bengali | 2001 |
31 | West Bengal | Hindi/English | 29 |
32 | West Bengal | Nepali/Bengali | 54 |
33 | West Bengal | Nepali/English | 19 |
34 | West Bengal | Nepali | 24 |
How to Apply for India Post GDS
To apply for India Post GDS Recruitment 2023, candidate need to go through 3 stages.
Stage 1. Registration
- Candidate need to visit Online Portal
- It should be noted that candidates are requested to ensure their eligibility before registering in portal
- Registration is mandatory for applying online
- For registering the application, the candidate required to submit the following basic details
- Mobile Number: Candidate has to enter 10 digit mobile number and validate it OTP send to your Mobile.
- Email: Candidate has to enter a valid Email ID. and validate it OTP send to your Email.
- Fill personal details like Name, father name, Mother name, date of Birth
- Select community or category (UR,OBC,SC/ST,PwD,EWS)
- Circle in which 10th class passed: Candidate has to enter respective postal circle according to the state passed.
- Year of passing 10th Class: Candidate has to enter his/her year of passing 10th. then click on submit button and continue filling your details.
- Aadhaar Number: Candidate has to enter 12 digit unique Aadhaar Number
- Languages studied in 10th class: candidate has to select the languages that he/she studied in 10th class. One can select multiple languages here
- Candidate needs to upload his/her latest photo and signature in jpg/jpeg format.
- Candidate needs to enter all the mandatory fields in registration form.
Stage 2. Fee Payment
- Fee payment can be made in two modes either through online in the same portal or offline challan mode.
- Registration number is mandatory and fee must be paid (if eligible) before applying online.
Stage 3. Apply Online
- First click on apply online button then enter your registration number and select applying for circle from the drop down list.
- you will be redirected to application form then choose preferences of posts.
- Submit the application and take a print out of form by clicking on print application button.
Job Profile of India Post GDS
Time Related Continuity Allowance (TRCA) is paid for the India Post GDS. India Post GDS include three post.
- Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS)
- Branch Post Master (BPM)
- Assistant Branch Post Master (ABPM)
S.NO | India Post GDS | Minimum TRCA for 4 Hours/level 1 in TRCA Slab (In Rs) |
1 | Dak Sevak /ABPM | ₹10,000/ - ₹24,470/- |
2 | BPM | ₹12,000/ - 29,380/- |
Dak Sevaks will be engaged in Departmental offices like Sub Post offices, Head Post offices etc. The Job Profile of India Post GDS Dak Sevak will include:-
- Sale of stamps/stationery, conveyance and delivery of mail at doorstep, deposits/payments/other transactions of IPPB and any other duties assigned by Postmaster/Sub Postmaster.
- Dak Sevaks may have to work in sorting offices of Railway Mail Service (RMS).
- Dak Sevaks in mail offices and Business Offices will handle receive in and dispatching of mail bag, transshipment of bag.
- Dak Sevaks also have to assist Post Masters/Sub Postmasters in managing the smooth functioning of Departmental Post Offices and do marketing, business procurement or any other work assigned by the Post Master or IPO/ASPO/SPOs/SSPOs/SRM/SSRM etc.
The Job Profile of Assistant Branch Post Master will include:-
- Sale of stamps/stationery, conveyance and delivery of mail at doorstep, deposits/payments/other transactions of IPPB.
- Assisting Branch Postmaster in counter duties using handheld device/mobile device/smartphone.
- Marketing of Postal products and services, India Post Payments Bank services, various services provided by Customer Services Centre’s (CSC), procurement of business in the villages or Gram Panchayats within the jurisdiction of the Branch Post Office. This would include organizing melas and door-to-door canvassing for business requirements and popularizing schemes of government.
- ABPM will also be required to do Combined Duty of BPMs as and when ordered. Any other work assigned by superiors like IPO/ASPO/SPOs/SSPOs etc.
The Job Profile of Branch Post Master will include
- Carrying out transactions (offline and online) of Branch Post Office and India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) using the handheld device/mobile device/smartphone.
- Marketing of Postal products and services, India Post Payments Bank services, various services provided by Customer Services Center (CSC), procurement of business in the villages or Gram Panchayats within the jurisdiction of the Branch Post Office. This would include organizing melas and door-to-door canvassing for business requirements and popularizing schemes of government.
- Maintenance of records, upkeep of handheld device/mobile device/smartphone.
- Branch Postmaster has the overall responsibility of smooth and timely functioning of Post Office including mail conveyance and mail delivery. He/she might be assisted by Assistant Branch Post Master.
- BPM will be required to do combined duties of ABPMs as and when ordered. In some of the Branch Post Offices, there may not be ABPM post and the BPM has to do all the work of the BO. Any other work assigned by superiors like IPO/ASPO/SPOs/SSPOs etc.
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