SC List of Odisha State: The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes make up roughly 16.6% and 8.6% of the total population of India according to the 2011 census. In India, Scheduled Castes are more commonly referred to as Dalits and Harijans. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, a prominent Dalit leader and reformer, played a crucial role in the Indian independence movement and was the chairman of the Constituent Assembly of India.
According to the 2011 census, the scheduled caste population in Odisha stands at 7,190,184, constituting approximately 17.13% of the state's total population. Below is the updated list of scheduled castes as notified under the constitution (Scheduled Castes) order, 1950, along with subsequent amendments, including the Modification Order of 1956, Amendment Act of 1976, and the constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order (Amendment) Act 2002 no. 25 dated 27/5/2002 by the Ministry of Law, Justice and Company Affairs.
SC List of Odisha 2025 - Scheduled Caste in Odisha
The SC list of Odisha is detailed in the table below:
S.No. | Scheduled Caste |
1 | Adi-Andhra |
2 | Amant, Amat, Dandachhatra Majhi, Amata, Amath |
3 | Audhelia |
4 | Badaik |
5 | Bagheti, Baghuti |
6 | Bajikar |
7 | Bari |
8 | Basor, Burud |
9 | Bauri, Buna Bauri, Dasia Bauri |
10 | Bauti |
11 | Bavuri |
12 | Bedia, Bejia, Bajia |
13 | Beldar |
14 | Bhata |
15 | Bhoi |
16 | Chachati |
17 | Chakali |
18 | Chamar, Mochi, Muchi, Satnami, Chamara, Chamar-Ravidas, Chamar-Rohidas |
19 | Chandala |
20 | Chandhai Maru |
21 | Dandasi |
22 | Dewar, Dhibara, Keuta, Kaibarta |
23 | Dhanwar |
24 | Dhoba, Dhobi, Rajak, Rajaka |
25 | Dom, Dombo, Duria Dom, Adhuria Dom, Adhuria Domb |
26 | Dosadha |
27 | Ganda |
28 | Ghantaraghada, Ghantra |
29 | Ghasi, Ghasia |
30 | Ghogia |
31 | Ghusuria |
32 | Godagali |
33 | Godari |
34 | Godra |
35 | Gokha |
36 | Gorait, Korait |
37 | Haddi, Hadi, Hari |
38 | Irika |
39 | Jaggali, Jaggili, Jagli |
40 | Kandra, Kandara, Kadama, Kuduma, Kodma, Kodama |
41 | Karua |
42 | Katia, Khatia |
43 | Kela, Sapua Kela, Nalua Kela, Sabakhia Kela, Matia Kela, Gaudia Kela |
44 | Khadala, Khadal, Khodal |
45 | Kodalo, Khodalo |
46 | Kori |
47 | Kurunga |
48 | Laban |
49 | Laheri |
50 | Madari |
51 | Madiga |
52 | Mahuria |
53 | Mala, Jhala, Malo, Zala, Malha, Jhola |
54 | Mang |
55 | Mangan |
56 | Mehra, Mahar |
57 | Mehtar, Bhangi |
58 | Mewar |
59 | Mundapotta |
60 | Musahar |
61 | Nagarchi |
62 | Namasudra |
63 | Paidi |
64 | Painda |
65 | Pamidi |
66 | Pan, Pano, Buna Pana, Desua Pana, Buna Pano |
67 | Panchama |
68 | Panika |
69 | Panka |
70 | Pantanti |
71 | Pap |
72 | Pasi |
73 | Patial, Patikar, Patratanti, Potua |
74 | Rajna |
75 | Relli |
76 | Sabakhia, Sualgiri, Swalgiri |
77 | Samasi |
78 | Sanei |
79 | Sapari |
80 | Sauntia, Santia |
81 | Sidhria |
82 | Sinduria |
83 | Siyal, Khajuria |
84 | Tamadia |
85 | Tamudia |
86 | Tanla |
87 | Turi, Betra |
88 | Ujia |
89 | Valamiki, Valmiki |
90 | Mangali (in Koraput & Kalahandi district) |
91 | Mirgan (in Nowrangpur district) |
For further reading, also check the EBC Caste List in Bihar | Bihar Caste List PDF.
SC Caste List in Odisha PDF
The SC List of Odisha state can be downloaded from the following link:
Download PDF of Scheduled Tribe & Scheduled Caste List in Indian State Odisha PDF - Click Here
Indian Constitution Articles for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
- Under Article 46, "The State shall promote with special care the educational and economic interests of the weaker sections of the people, particularly the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, and shall protect them from social injustice and all forms of exploitation."
- Article 17 abolishes untouchability.
- Article 15(4) refers to special provisions for the advancement of these groups.
- According to Article 16(4A), there is provision for reservations in promotions for SCs/STs.
- Article 338 establishes a National Commission for the Scheduled Castes to monitor safeguards and advise on socio-economic development.
- Articles 330 and 332 provide for reservations for SCs and STs in the House of the People and state legislative assemblies.
- Parts IX and IXA of the Constitution provide for reservations in local bodies for SCs and STs.
For more information, also check: UP Caste List | Haryana Schedule Caste list | OBC Caste List of Center | National SC/ST Hub scheme List.

Haaa Amara hei ni kebe heba jjj
Ha amar ra hei ni jj kebe heba jjj