APPSC Group 2 Zones List 2025
Explore the APPSC Group 2 Zones List 2025, detailing the districts and codes for candidates applying for executive and non-executive posts.
The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) has released the APPSC Group 2 zones list, detailing the vacancies for executive and non-executive posts. Eligible candidates can apply for these positions under notification No. 11/2023, dated 07.12.2023, on the official website APPSC Group 2 Zones List ZoneDistrictCodeZone-ISrikakulam, Vizianagaram and VisakhapatnamSKM, VZM, VSPZone-IIEast Godavari, West Godavari and KrishnaEG, WG, KSTZone-IIIGuntur, Prakasam and NelloreGNT, PKM, NLRZone-IVChittoor, Kadapa, Anantapur and KurnoolCTR, CDP, ATP, KNLAPPSC Group 2 Zones List Note: Candidates from other states are not entitled to local reservations. APPSC Group 2 Zone and District List S.NoCodeDistrict NameZone1SKMSrikakulamZone-I2VZMVizianagaramZone-I3VSPVisakhapatnamZone-I4EGEast GodavariZone-II5WGWest GodavariZone-II6KSTKrishnaZone-II7GNTGunturZone-III8PKMPrakasamZone-III9NLRNelloreZone-III10CTRChittoorZone-IV11CDPKadapaZone-IV12ATPAnantapurZone-IV13KNLKurnoolZone-IVAPPSC Group 2 Zone...