RTE School List Near Me 2023-24 – RTE Admission 2023-24
The state government of India has published state wise list of schools offering admission under Right to Education RTE Act 2009. Check below RTE school list near me 2023-24 and eligibility criteria for RTE school admission 2023-24 and list of required documents for RTE admission 2023-24
RTE School List: The School Education Department of state government of India is providing free education to poor children from pre-nursery to 8th class. As per Right to Education of children to free and compulsory education, there will be admission of minimum 25% children in first class and pre-school at entry level for children belonging to poor families, disadvantage group, weaker section, orphan children, and covid affected child. The government of India has released a list of school that are offering admission to pre-nursey and first class through RTE admission Act. The parents of child can check RTE school list...