Railway Special 39 New Trains List and Additional New Trains List

39 Special Trains List

Indian Railway new trains list check out list of 39 special new trains list pdf and also check routes list of railway new trains and additional new 39 special trains

Indian Railway New Trains List: Ministry of Railways, Govt. of India gave approval to zones for 39 new trains on Wednesday. These services will be introduced as special services from an early convenient date. Indian Railways is announcing various special trains to clear the extra rush of the passengers. This trains list contains 39 special new trains list of sleeper and non sleeper trains. Railway 39 Special New Trains List 39 New Special Trains List: Indian Railway is going to start 39 special new train across the country due to the upcoming festive season. 39 Special New Train List is...

Japan Prime Minister List | Japan PM List from 1885 – 2025

Japan Prime Minister List

Japan Prime Ministers list from 1885 to 2025, Japan PM list including Empire of Japan from first Japanese Prime Minister until the present day, check Japan PM list with party and term of office and mandate

Japan Prime Minister List: Japan PM is the head of the executive branch and CM of the government of Japan. The office of Japan Prime Minister was established in the 1880s during the Meiji Restoration. Since the constitution of 1947 the PM has been designated by the Diet (Kokkai) before being formally appointed by the emperor. Japan Prime Minister List including those of the Empire of Japan from when the 1st Japanese Prime Minister prime minister (in the modern sense), Itō Hirobumi, took office in 1885, until the present day. The office is currently held by Fumio Kishida. Those prime...

Coronavirus Helpline Number List India (State Wise)

Coronavirus Helpline Phone Number List

check out Coronavirus helpline number list state wise in India and Covid - 19 Toll Free Number - 1075, National Coronavirus helpline phone number +91-11-23978046

Coronavirus India Helpline Numbers List: The Health Ministry (Department of Health & Family Welfare) has set Up official Helpline No. for all types of queries and support related to Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection. The sate wise list of official Coronavirus (COVID-19) Phone Numbers is given below. Coronavirus Helpline Numbers List The below list of corona helpline numbers. S.NoState NameHelpline No.1Andhra Pradesh08866-24109782Arunachal Pradesh94360557433Assam69133477704Bihar1045Chhattisgarh1046Goa1047Gujarat1048Haryana85588939119Himachal Pradesh10410Jharkhand10411Karnataka104 080-4684 8600 080-6669 200012Kerala0471255205613Madhya Pradesh104 0755-252717714Maharashtra020-2612739415Manipur385241166816Meghalaya10817Mizoram10218Nagaland700553965319Odisha94399485920Punjab10421Rajasthan0141-222562422Sikkim10423Tamil Nadu044-2951050024Telangana10425Tripura0381-231587926Uttarakhand10427Uttar Pradesh1800180514528West Bengal180031344422, 03323412600Coronavirus Helpline Phone Numbers List Union Territory (UT) Coronavirus Helpline Number List S.No.Name of Union Territory (UT)Helpline No.1Andaman and Nicobar Islands03192-2321022Chandigarh97795582823Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu1044Delhi011-223071455Jammu &...

Indian Government Online Services List | Digital India Service List

Indian Government Online Services List

Indian Government Online Services List, Digital India Service List, Online Service Portal and Government Services Portal Website List for more than 13204 services of National Government Services Portal of India

Government Online Services List:- Indian government online services list now available at the National Government Service Portal which is the one stop source for information on the online services provided the government at the levels. National government services portal has been developed under the ambit of India portal project which is being executed by NIC. The purpose of National Government Services Portal is to facilitate the listing of online services provided by various government entities under one platform and ensuring standardization with respect to content architecture and classification of services. Indian Government Online Services List Categories of government online services...

Corona Medicine Name List PDF | Covid Medicine List

Covid Medicine List

COVID Medicine list, download corona medicine name list pdf and check latest updated treatment for coronavirus at home and list of FDA approved drugs for covid-19 and treatment guidelines

Covid Medicine List: The most common symptoms of COVID are a fever, coughing and breathing problems. Unless you have severe symptoms, you can mostly treat them at home, the way you would for a clod or flu. Most of people recover from Covid without the need of hospital care. Covid Medicine List The center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) is engaged in numerous activities to protect and promote public heath during the COVID-19 pandemic. The core list presents a list of minimum medicine needs for a basic health care system, listing the most efficacious, safe and cost-effective medicines for...

iay.nic.in New List | Indira Gandhi Awas Yojana Beneficiary List 2025

iay.nic.in New List

iay.nic.in New List 2025, Check Online Indira Gandhi Awas Yojana Beneficiary List at pmayg.nic.in. IAY / PMAY Gramin SECC Family Member Details. iay.nic.in 2025 List of Odisha State and check Eligibility Criteria for Indra Awas Yojana and Helpline Toll Free numbers for any query regarding beneficiary and amount paid under Indra Gandhi Awas yojana

iay.nic.in New List 2025:- Indira Gandhi Awas Yojana list 2025 has been released by Ministry of Rural Department. All the candidates who have applied for Indira Awas Yojana now can check online beneficiary list at official website. Under Indira Gandhi Awas Yojana (IAY), the scheduled castes / scheduled tribes, non-bonded employees, minorities and non-sc /st sections of the poverty line are made available to the country. Under the Indira Gandhi Awas Yojana , the scheduled castes / scheduled tribes, non-bonded employees, minorities and non-SC / ST sections of the poverty line are made available to the country. iay.nic.in New List...

NVSP Voter List 2025 | NVSP (National Voter Service Portal) Voter ID Search By Name

NVSP Voter List

NVSP Voter List 2025 Search your Voter ID by name on National Voter Service Portal of Government of India, Download e-EPIC Card, and NVSP Voter ID correction services provided at NVSP Portal

NVSP Voter List 2025:- National Voter Service Portal produces new voter cards for youth over 18 years of age in the country. Once you get your voter ID Card, you can use voter id as an identity card all over India. If you are above 18 years of age then you can apply for voter id at NVSP portal online. NVSP Voter List is now available online at National Voters Services Portal www.nvsp.in. All the voters above 18 years of age can download NVSP Voter List in PDF format from official website. Eligible voters can search their name in voter...

List of European Countries | Map of European States

List of European Countries

European countries list, Europe includes 51 independent states Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey are transcontinental countries

List of European Countries:Europe is a unique continent, which is not surrounded by water from all directions and has an overland border with neigh-boring Asia. Physiographically, it occupies the northwestern part of the large landmass known as Eurasia and surrounded from the north by the Arctic Ocean, from the west by the Atlantic Ocean, from the south by the Mediterranean Sea, and from the southeast by the Black Sea. Now Europe includes 51 independent states Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey are transcontinental countries, partially located in both Europe and Asia. Armenia and Cyprus politically are considered European countries, though...

PM Ujjwala Yojana BPL List 2025 | SECC 2011 Data

PM Ujjwala Yojana BPL List

PM Ujjwala Yojana BPL list, check eligibility for Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana New List SECC 2011 Data and PMUY new gas connection and beneficiary list 2025

PM Ujjwala Yojana BPL List 2025:Government had launched Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana on 1st May 2016 to provide deposit free LPG connections to 5 crore women belonging to the Below Poverty Line (BPL) which has now been enhanced to 8 crore. PM Ujjawal Yojana, an LPG connection scheme for BPL families is gaining a lot traction from around the country. under the scheme, the central government is providing LPG connection to BPL families with a financial assistance of of Rs. 1600 per connection per household. All the BPL families whose name in the SECC 2011 data and all ration card...

80c Deduction List PDF

80c Deduction List

80c deduction list pdf download, Section 80C is the most popular sections amongst the taxpayers as it allows to reduce taxable income by making tax saving investments

80c Deduction List: Section 80C is one of the most popular and favourite sections amongst the taxpayers as it allows to reduce taxable income by making tax saving investments or incurring eligible expenses. It allows a maximum deduction of Rs 1.5 lakh every year from the taxpayers total income. The benefit of this deduction can be availed by Individuals and HUFs. Companies, partnership firms, LLPs cannot avail the benefit of this deduction. Section 80C includes subsections , 80CCC, 80CCD (1) , 80CCD (1b) and 80CCD (2).It is important to note that overall limit including the subsections for claiming the deduction...