RTE Tamil Nadu Admission List 2023-24
There is 25 % reservation in RTE Admission under Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education. Check below RTE Tamil Nadu Admission List 2023-24 and Tamil Nadu rte.tnschools.gov.in School List 2023-24
RTE Tamil Nadu Admission List 2023-24 : Department of School Education of Tamil Nadu has published a notice regarding the RTE admission 2023-24. The application for RTE admission 2023-24 will start from 20 April 2023 to 18 May 2023. The parents of children belong to Weaker Section ((WS) and Disadvantaged Group (DG) can apply for admission to pre- Nursery and first class under Right to Education of free and compulsory education upto age of 14 years (upto 8th class). It has also released a list of schools for admission in pre-nursery, nursery and first class under RTE Act 2009. Under...